I dont know the code to be able to create any of the eden fortification objects attached to a player, allow the player to move around (forced walk) rotate the object horizontally and vertically raise up and down and move further away or bring closer in and then place in final position and orientation.

This is basically how the R3F Logistics system works but that does a lot of other things that we don't want and is limited in customisability.

I want a dialog that has a list of items on one side an image of the item on the other and a button to "create" the item which will then create the item as described above.

I think I need to use the attachTo command

ie _object = createVehicle ["Land_BagFence_Round_F",(_this select 1) attachTO [player], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; how would I then enable the player to manipulate and place the item?
I am thinking the following will be useful to help with manipulating the object whilst its attachedto Player findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {}];
another goal would be to be able to pick the item up and reposition it after it had initially been placed

I think I am starting to figure out a script idea in my head. its very rough and I don't know if it will work though.

  _object = createVehicle ["Land_BagFence_Round_F",(_this select 1) attachTO [player], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {_object setVectorDirAndUp [0,1,0], [0,0,0]}]; // Moves object away by 1m? how do I set a specific key?