so looking for some code help.... anyone know how to kill a code running in the game.... have a timer setup on a trigger the timer is in a sqf... bombtimer = [] spawn { execvm "scripts\timer.sqf"; }; but i want to be able to kill the scripts\timer.sqf" when they interact with at laptop how can i do this? 

timer.sqf looks like this 
  0 = [] spawn { private _duration = 60; private "_color"; if (isServer) then {[_duration,true] call BIS_fnc_countdown}; waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_countdown_time"}; _time = BIS_fnc_countdown_time; for "_i" from _duration to 0 step -1 do { call { if (_i < 6) exitWith {_color = "#ff0000"}; if (_i < 16) exitWith {_color = "#eef441"}; _color = "#45f442"; }; _tt = if isMultiplayer then [{serverTime},{time}]; hintSilent parseText format ["BOMB COUNTDOWN:<br/><t color= '%1'>--- %2 ---</t>", _color, [(_time - _tt)/3600,"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; uisleep 1; }; uisleep 1; hintSilent parseText format ["<t color='%1'>--- Time is up! ---</t>",_color]; uisleep 1; null = [boom, 10, TRUE, TRUE] execVM "freestyleNuke\iniNuke.sqf"; };