SOG AI purpose:   Make playing Prairie Fire Campaign (or any other PF mission) fun and immersive for Single Players commanding an AI squad. Savage Game Design wisely chose not to promote Prairie Fire DLC to the Single Player market because the vanilla ARMA AI deficiencies would be unbearably frustrating for the player.  These are the deficiencies that this mod solves: Vanilla Combat AI moves too slow to break contact when following player or ordered to move somewhere.  This results in them being overwhelmed by the enemy in SOG scenarios. Vanilla Combat AI is too slow boarding helicopters under fire.  Very frustrating for the player. Vanilla Combat AI is too slow and incapable of pushing through enemy contacts quickly. Using bomb craters as defensive positions is common SOG tactic.  Craters in Prairie Fire are implemented as buildings with built-in AI paths and positions.  ARMA AI moves terribly slow on building paths, which endangers the AI while moving on craters.  Plus, its immersion breaking to see them slow walking. In COOP play, one player can revive another player when they are down.  In Single Player mode, AI squad members cannot revive each other.  It’s therefore easy to have your entire AI squad wiped out early. AI are not capable of entering Brier Bush RON sites effectively.  This breaks the Ashtray III mission for AI, and is an immersion killer. Instructing Vanilla AI to place toe-poppers is a chore for the player: Select Unit, press option 6 for Actions, scroll through actions to find Put Toe-popper, etc.  Micro-managing AI is no fun. Instructing Vanilla AI to heal themselves is also a chore for player for same reason. This SOG AI mod solves all of the above problems.  Playing SP with an AI squad is now fun and immersive.   Steam link: Please comment and upvote on steam!  Its my only reward, and this was a hell of a lot of work.     Features: Prairie Fire Campaign Mission tips: Don't use the Spawn Team action until AFTER you gear up, and BEFORE you board the helicopter.   Make sure you are in an open area so you don't spawn your team into near buildings or other objects. Don't play Spindown (it has AI navigation issues) Don't play Black Spear.  Its a scuba UDT mission not suitable for SOG AI.   Workshop Missions: If playing a workshop mission, if player has units already assigned to him, then you will not get a Spawn Team action. You will be able to command your team using SOG AI. For example, I have played some of Fubar's Recondo missions using SOG AI on his LRRPs team assigned to player.   Editor Missions: Its fun to place multiple VC groups in the editor with waypoints, a tracker modules, and a player unit, and then play.  Run the mission, thenchoose your team to spawn and fight it out at your favorite location. Credits: @madrussian for the "blue move" discovery (key to fast moving AI) and feedback. Remember I knew him before he became a famous legend!
@froggyluv for his feedback, knowledge and enthusiasm for all things AI and immersion.
@pierremgi for his slick AI Revive scripts. I started with his scripts, and have since completely re-written them for single-player and to tailor them to Prairie Fire, but he gave me a big head start.
@dreadedentity for his awesome GUI selector template. That saved me some serious time!
@haleks for some fun gore fx.
@veteran29 for some SQF tuning tips on discord @Grumpy Old Man for getCenterPosition function @pedeathtrian for pointIsInBox function   Known Issues: Don't play these 2 campaign missions: Spindown - AI can't navigate in hill-top base.  You can probably play it if you wait to spawn team until after going down the road toward where you place mines.  Spindown modified so that helicopter drops off team outside of hilltop bse, so your AI no longer gets stuck trying to navigate the base. Black Spear -  This cool UDT mission is not compatible with SOG AI. Doesn't support Team Switch yet.  Switching into other playable units can cause multiple Action issues and other problems.  I plan to fix this. LAMBS Danger by default conflicts with SOG AI.  But you can disable LAMBS Danger for player squad to fix this:     Video Playlist of demo videos: