Good day BIS! Over the past two months, I have seen a lot of changes for Thermal Vision Arma3 in the Development Branch Changelog. This definitely makes me happy, but I would like to write to you so that you also try to eliminate the main Thermal omission of Arma3 that has been all this time!  The fact is that Arma3 has never taken into account the current weather and time of day for Thermal Vision before, and this does not look good.   In Arma3 (all versions including 2.08), at any time of the day/any weather, the thermal vision looked the same. Unfortunately it was looked like a terrible flaw, like cheating/imbalance, because all targets looked like torches from huge distance on a dark background  and only the ACE3 mod some smoothed out this problem.   My Main message: In addition to temperature differences, the thermal imager must be affected by wind, rain or sun, which can heat up or cool buildings or the landscape, and this must affects the accuracy of the result. For example, In sunny weather, on midday, when houses or landscapes are warmed by the sun, they must emit heat.This means that in such situation, the determination of targets should be difficult, because everything should radiate warmth - as target itself and its background also. In this case, the target should simply blend into its background. But if at this day time, with such weather we look at vanilla Thermal Arma3, then we will see flaming targets, as if everything else will not radiate heat! It doesn't look real...   Conversely, at night, when the entire landscape cools down, targets should be more clearly visible. Please, due to the latest changes for Thermal Vision, try to also create at least the some influence of weather/time of day in the same way. It seems to me at the current stage of Arm`s life, this is not a super difficult task.  Also, your recent Thermal Vision overhaul can help you do just that. Thank you for Support our favorite game!