Hey everyone I stumbled upon a smoke script for planes. I've made some adjustments to it and was wondering if there was a way to make the smoke purely white? I'm no expert when it comes to ASL I've really only been an HTML and CSS type of guy so any help would be appreciated! Is there also a way to make the action assigned to a specific custom user action? this addAction [ "Release Smoke Trails", { params [ "_target", "_caller", "_id" ]; _smokeOn = _target getVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", false ]; switch ( _smokeOn ) do { case true : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Release Smoke Trails" ]; { deleteVehicle _x; }forEach ( _target getVariable [ "emitters", [] ] ); }; case false : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Stop Smoke Trails" ]; _emitters = []; { _x params[ "_color", "_pos" ]; _color params[ "_colorRed", "_colorGreen", "_colorBlue" ]; _emitter = "#particlesource" createVehicle ( _target modelToWorld _pos ); _emitter attachTo [ _target, _pos ]; _colorAlpha = 0.5; _timeout = 0; _particleLifeTime = 8; _particleDensity = 100; _particleSize = 1; _particleSpeed = 1; _particleLifting = 1; _windEffect = 1; _effectSize = 2; _expansion = 4; _emitter setParticleParams [ ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal_02",8,0,40,1],"","billboard",1,_particleLifeTime,[0,0,0],[0,0,2*_particleSpeed],0,0.05,0.04*_particleLifting,0.05*_windEffect,[1 *_particleSize + 1,1.8 * _particleSize + 15], [[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.7*_colorAlpha],[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.6*_colorAlpha],[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.45*_colorAlpha], [0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.28*_colorAlpha],[0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.16*_colorAlpha],[0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.09*_colorAlpha], [0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.06*_colorAlpha],[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,0.02*_colorAlpha],[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,0*_colorAlpha]], [1,0.55,0.35], 0.1, 0.08*_expansion, "", "", ""]; _emitter setParticleRandom [_particleLifeTime/2, [0.5*_effectSize,0.5*_effectSize,0.2*_effectSize], [0.3,0.3,0.5], 1, 0, [0,0,0,0.06], 0, 0]; _emitter setDropInterval (1/_particleDensity); _nul = _emitters pushBack _emitter; }forEach [ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ] ]; _target setVariable [ "emitters", _emitters ]; }; }; _target setVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", !_smokeOn ]; }, [], 1, false, true, "", "_this in crew _target" ];