Hi all, I am trying to draw icons on the GPS panel. Currently having issues with it though, not sure where I am going wrong exactly. I have a feeling the control/IDC is wrong? The function (fn_playerIcons.sqf) works fine, it works on the normal map control #51. Code is quite messy, needs a cleanup/rewrite but for now just trying to get it working. _miniMapKey = []; { _miniMapKey append _x; } forEach [ actionKeys "MiniMap", actionKeys "MiniMapToggle", actionKeys "ListLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListPrevLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "CloseLeftVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "ListPrevRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "CloseRightVehicleDisplay", actionKeys "User20" ]; case (_key in _miniMapKey) : { systemChat "Mini Map Key Pressed"; _handled = false; [] spawn { if !("ItemGPS" in assignedItems player) exitWith { systemChat "No GPS"; }; sleep 1.15; waitUntil {visibleGPS}; sleep 1.15; if (!visibleGPS) then { ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw", miniMapEH]; systemChat "GPS Not Visible"; miniMapEH = nil; if (DEBUG_MODE isEqualTo 1) then { systemChat "[DEBUG] :: MINI MAP EH REMOVED"; }; } else { miniMapEH = ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", tky_fnc_playerIcons]; systemChat "GPS Visible"; if (DEBUG_MODE isEqualTo 1) then { systemChat "[DEBUG] :: MINI MAP EH ADDED"; }; }; }; }; Even tried all of these: { ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", tky_fnc_playerIcons]; } forEach [ 15110, 102, 15112, 199, 198, 197, 13301, 101 ]; Any ideas?   Cheers, Haz