Hey all, First up Happy Easter from Aus 🙂
I am trying to record the flight data and firing data of an A10.  I know how to capture the flight data using "rec = [Jet1, 300] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture;" and how to capture infantry movement, firing and animations using TedHo's script.  But how would I capture the flight and firing data of a vehicle? Or of a passenger in a ground vehicle?  Any help would be awesome.


So I managed to work out how to get my A10 to fly and shoot using unitcapture, below is the solution: - In mission folder I created and init.sqf and wp1.sqf
- Init.sqf
  wp1 = compile preprocessfile "wp1.sqf" ; - wp1.sqf
  wp1 = ; [jet1, wp1] spawn BIS_fnc_Unitplay; _capturedData = ; [ jet1, _capturedData, true ] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring; jet1 being the name of my A10.
  - In the editor I placed an A10 and named it jet1, i placed a character in the A10 and set as player.
- I created a radio trigger to record the flight data and firing data. Activation: Radio Alpha On Activation: rec = [jet1, 180, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCaptureFiring; [jet1, 180, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; - Played it in single player, started up A10, press 0, 0, Radio Alpha (this activates the above trigger).
- Fly around and shoot.
- Pressed ESC and then press F1 to copy flight data to clipboard.
- Pasted flight data into wp1.sqf.  Then went back into the game and pressed F2 to copy the firing data to clipboard.  Pasted firing data into wp1.sqf wp1 = <paste copied flight data here>; [jet1, wp1] spawn BIS_fnc_Unitplay; _capturedData = <paste copied firing data here>; [ jet1, _capturedData, true ] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring; - Now created a new trigger in the editor Activation: Radio Bravo On Activation: rec = [] spawn wp1; - Placed a new unit as a player, pressed 0, 0, Radio bravo to activate the playback trigger.  - Watched it all happen 😄
- End result test video Â