Hi everyone. I'm back into Arma3 after several months "off the tools" to try and rekindle my waning enthusiasm. In that time A3 v1.90 was released, and I see among other things that they have added a glowing firefly.p3d model, where the old one used to be invisible. This is all well and good, except that now pretty much every mod terrain I've tried since is totally covered in fireflies. Strangely enough they're not seen on official maps Altis, Stratis, Tanoa or Malden (where one would actually expect to see the fireflies).   I find the whole thing a bit distracting to be honest, and wonder if there's a way to edit them out using a config patch of some kind. Does anyone know if it's possible to replace "a3\animals_f\FireFly.p3d" with a null object? I'm a bit rusty at the moment and don't have the chops to attempt it myself.   Thanks in advance for any help.