Here is a simple script spawning vehicles & units for a group, and move units in free cargo (the vehicles spawn with their crew anyway, using bis_fnc_spawnGroup)

  0 = [] spawn { _assets = ["B_soldier_f","B_soldier_A_f","B_soldier_AAR_f","B_soldier_AAR_f","B_soldier_AR_f","B_soldier_AT_f","B_medic_f","B_truck_01_transport_F","B_LSV_01_armed_F","B_MBT_01_cannon_F"]; // or what you want _spawnGrp = []; For "_i" from 0 to (round random 30 max 8) do { _spawnGrp pushBack (selectRandom _assets) }; _grp = [ getMarkerPos "spawnHere", side player,_spawnGrp,[],[],[],[],[],180,false] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // interesting part for you: //========================== _vehs = [_grp,true] call BIS_fnc_groupVehicles; _units = (units _grp select {isnull objectParent _x}); { _unit = _x; {if ( (_x emptyPositions "cargo") > 0) exitWith {_unit moveInCargo _x};nil} count _vehs; nil } count _units; };  
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