I use a rating system that gives you rating or takes it away depending on who you kill. not sure where i got it from.
Added the zombie part with help form Haleks. Ravage mod.
Added with one a couple i have made. A script that checks your rating and promotes or demotes you depending on your rating
Now the problem i have encounted and cant seem to fix is that the rank.sqf only fires one time. As in you will be promoted one rank or demoted one rank. So you can go form private to corporal but not any higher. Then you can go back from corporal to private. If you get demoted back to private you can still get promoted up to corporal again.
The problem may lie in the fact that if you get promoted or demoted your rating goes back to 0. You can also start the game as a Sargent and get promoted once and demoted once.
Not sure what is going on. The promote and demote scripts work fine one there own but the rank.sqf is what im having problems with.
Any help would be awesome thank you