Looking for people to run a small test code for me from their debug console (just in Eden is good enough) and post back here the results. I need multiple contributions so as I can see results from multiple screen resolutions and interface sizes. _uiScaleFactor = getNumber( configFile >> "UIScaleFactor" ); _uiScaleMaxGrids = getNumber( configFile >> "UIScaleMaxGrids" ); _actual = [ pixelGridBase, pixelGridNoUIScale, pixelGrid ]; getResolution params[ "", "_screenH", "", "", "", "_uiSize" ]; _pixelGridBase = _screenH / _uiScaleMaxGrids; _pixelGridNoUIScale = round(( _screenH / 64 ) / _uiScaleFactor ) * _uiScaleFactor; _pixelGrid = ( round((( _screenH / _uiScaleMaxGrids ) * ( _uiSize min 0.99 )) / _uiScaleFactor )) * _uiScaleFactor ; _calculated = [ _pixelGridBase, _pixelGridNoUIScale, _pixelGrid ]; [ getResolution, _actual, _calculated, _calculated isEqualTo _actual ] If you are willing to test other UI sizes (Options > Video > Display > Interface Size) I would be grateful but not necessary. Please remember to restart your client after any video option changes you make before running the test code.   Thank you for those who are able to help.