Dynamic Animal/Game Spawn Script   This script will continuously spawn animals that can be hunted (and butchered with the ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module active) in proximity of the player.   Showcase Video:  (This is just showing the basic functions with speed up despawn times and reduced spawn/despawn distances FYI)       Functions of the script: - spawn loop for animals - random number and type of animals - can be butchered (using the ravage mod and a knife) - despawn once player moves away - customizable code   How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------->  [] execVM "animalspawner.sqf";   3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ----->  init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it.   Step 2 - "animalspawner.sqf" 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code below into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> animalspawner.sqf 5. Move the animalspawner.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= animalspawner.sqf code:     Script Dependencies: No dependencies. However, the Ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module is required to butcher the animals and process their meat. You can find all about the Ravage mod here: LINK   Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Find the Ravage section in your Editors "Systems" tab. 2. Place the module "Survival systems" Note: you need a "Gutting Knife" (from the Ravage mod) to butcher the animals   5. Place your player and start your mission.   Using the script without Ravage mod: - the script runs without the Ravage mod active, no changes needed   Credit:   the basic template for the spawner came from a fellow ravager, however I can not trace back the specific post anymore. so shout out to all the friendly scripters from the ravage comunity for all their input;)!