Hello community!
I am currently doing a lot of config work revolving around submunition parameters. I am getting pretty much all the results I expect, and I am very happy with how its implemented, but there's one thing that I can't find out how to get right.
I am trying to create a specific submunition pattern, but have met the wall. What I am looking for is that the submunitions spawn omnidirectionally (in a perfect sphere) with random chance of direction. Basically, if the parent ammo strikes something, the submunitions will spawn from that hitlocation, and can basically go in any theoretical direction afterwards.
What I am experiencing, is that no matter what settings I tweak, I am getting a 45 degree cone (off the parent vector) (meaning a total of 90 degree spread). I can't get the submunitions to face a direction greater than 45 degrees.
Here is the relevant config code:
submunitionConeType[]={"random", 20};
Swapping submunitionDirectionType from "SubmunitionModelDirection" to "SubmunitionAutoLeveling" has no effect on the spread angle, it just effects the initial direction (retain parent or align to horizon).
Changing submunitionConeType from "random", to "randomcenter" or "poissondisc" etc has little effect on what I'm trying to achieve.
Altering submunitionConeAngle and submunitionConeAngleHorizontal within values of 45 degrees has an effect (I can tweak how narrow the spread is within +-45 degrees off center - for a total of 90 degree spread.
However, changing this to between 45-359 (Degrees) has no effect. Setting it to 360 causes the "cone" to collapse into "0" spread (all submunitions retain parent vector perfectly).
So can anyone please help me? The https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Weapon_Config_Guidelines#Ammo_changes_on_fly_and_on_hit guidelines do not describe accurately what the various patterns mean, or how the custom one acts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,