WEAR WHAT YOU WANT   Hi all, Fed up with the cloth restriction? You can kill civilians but not wear their clothes! You want to infiltrate enemy player places but you can't wear their uniforms. You can't count the threads about forceAddUniform with any interest in game, except for some specific action...   If you want to wear what you find on corpses, crates, or ground.. just add the following code for each allowed players (initPlayerLocal.sqf seems great). Just make sure player is already defined.   version Mar 13th 2018 updated 21/06/18 UPDATED: new version 20/12/2019 Corrected 25/06/2020 on Larry0503 feedback for uniforms with multiple classes (present in all sides)   parameters:   NONE
  fnc_otherUnif = { params ["_type","_return"]; if (_type == 0) exitWith { MGI_button = _return #1; false }; if (_type == 1 and !isnil "MGI_button" && {MGI_button == 1}) then { disableSerialization; _control = _return select 0; _index = _return select 1; private _idc = ctrlIDC _control; private _text = lbText [_idc, _index]; private _picture = lbPicture [_idc,_index]; private _uniforms = ("getText (_x >> 'displayName') == _text && getNumber (_x >> 'ItemInfo' >> 'type') == 801" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")); if (_uniforms isEqualType [] && {!(_uniforms isEqualTo [])}) then { [_idc,_text,_picture,_index,_uniforms] spawn { params ["_idc","_text","_picture","_index","_uniforms",["_selectedUnif",""],"_unifConts",["_uniformObject",objNull],"_otherItems","_g0"]; private _currentUnif = uniform player; private _currentInvent = uniformItems player; _currentInvent = (_currentInvent arrayIntersect _currentInvent) apply {private _v= _x;[_x]+[{_v isEqualTo _x} count _currentInvent]}; private _selectedUnif = ((_uniforms select {toLower (gettext (_x >> "picture")) splitString "\"joinString "\" == _picture}) apply {configName _x}); if (_selectedUnif isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; if !(pl_container isKindOf "CAManBase") then { _unifConts = (everyContainer pl_container select {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x #0 >> 'ItemInfo' >> 'type') == 801}); _uniformObject = objNull; private ["_cnt","_selectedCfg"]; scopeName "main"; for "_i" from 0 to count _selectedUnif -1 do { _cnt = 0; _selectedCfg = _selectedUnif #_i; for "_j" from 0 to _index do { if (lbText [_idc,_j] == _text) then { _cnt = _cnt +1; _uniformObject = _unifConts select {_selectedCfg == (_x #0)} select (_cnt -1) select 1; if (!isnil "_uniformObject" && {!isNull _uniformObject}) then { _selectedUnif = _selectedCfg; breakTo "main" }; }; }; _uniformObject = objNull; }; } else { _selectedUnif = _selectedUnif #0; _uniformObject = uniformContainer pl_container }; if (!isNull _uniformObject && !(player isUniformAllowed _selectedUnif)) then { private _itemsAndMags = (_uniformObject call MGI_orderItsAndMgs) params ["_selectedItems","_selectedMags"]; if !(pl_container isKindOf "CAmanbase" or isNull pl_container) then { private _its = getItemCargo pl_container; private _mgs = magazinesAmmoCargo pl_container; private _unifItems = _unifConts apply {_x #0}; private _vestConts = (everyContainer pl_container select {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x #0 >> 'ItemInfo' >> 'type') == 701}); private _vestItems = _vestConts apply {_x #0}; _otherItems = +(_its #0) - _unifItems - _vestItems; _otherItems = _otherItems apply {[_x,_its #1#(_its #0 find _x)]}; private _conts = _unifConts + _vestConts; for '_i' from 0 to count _Conts -1 do { if (_conts #_i #1 == _uniformObject) exitWith { _conts deleteAt _i }; }; pl_container setVariable ["MGIallContForWear",[]]; { private _itsAndMgs = ((_x #1) call MGI_orderItsAndMgs) params ["_its","_mgs"]; (pl_container getVariable "MGIallContForWear") pushBack [_x #0,_its,_mgs]; } forEach _conts; _g0 = pl_container; clearItemCargoGlobal _g0; } else { _g0 = createVehicle ['WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted', (player modelToWorld [0,1,1]), [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'] }; player forceAddUniform _selectedUnif; private _unif = uniformContainer player; {_unif addItemCargoGlobal [_x#0,_x#1]} count _selectedItems; {_unif addMagazineAmmoCargo [_x#0,_x#2,_x#1]} count _selectedMags; call { if (pl_container isKindOf "CAManBase") exitWith { removeUniform pl_container }; { _x params ["_cont",["_it",[]],["_mag",[]]]; pl_container addItemCargoGlobal [_cont,1]; private _createdCont = pl_container call MGI_lastCont; {_createdCont addItemCargoGlobal [_x#0,_x#1]} count _it; {_createdCont addMagazineAmmoCargo [_x#0,_x#2,_x#1]} count _mag; } forEach (pl_container getVariable "MGIallContForWear"); {_g0 addItemCargoGlobal [_x #0,_x #1]} forEach _otherItems; }; _g0 addItemCargoGlobal [_currentUnif,1]; _lastCont = _g0 call MGI_lastCont; {_lastCont addItemCargoGlobal [_x #0,_x #1]} forEach _currentInvent; if (_g0 isKindOf "WeaponHolderSimulated" && {(count itemCargo _g0 + count magazineCargo _g0 + count weaponCargo _g0 + count backpackCargo _g0) == 0}) then { deleteVehicle _g0 }; }; }; }; MGI_button = 0; false }; }; MGI_orderItsAndMgs = compileFinal " params [['_uniformObject', objNull,[objNull]]]; private _items = getItemCargo _uniformObject; private _mags = magazinesAmmoCargo _uniformObject; private _selectedItems = (_items #0) apply {[_x,_items #1#(_items #0 find _x)]}; private _selectedMags = (_mags arrayintersect _mags) apply {private _v= _x;_x+[{_v isEqualTo _x} count _mags]}; [_selectedItems,_selectedMags]; "; MGI_lastCont = compileFinal " params [['_cont',objNull]]; private '_lastCont'; _invent = (everyContainer _cont - (everyBackpack _cont apply {[typeOf _x,_x]})); if !(_invent isEqualTo []) then { _lastCont = _invent select (count _invent -1) select 1; } else { _lastCont = _cont; }; _lastCont "; player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; pl_container = _container; [] spawn { waitUntil {!(isNull findDisplay 602)}; disableSerialization; {(findDisplay 602 displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonClick", "[0,_this] call fnc_otherUnif"]} forEach [632,640]; {(findDisplay 602 displayCtrl _x) ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", "[1,_this] spawn fnc_otherUnif"]} forEach [632,640]; }; }];   USAGE: just right click on uniform you want to wear. NOTE: seems a long code for forcing to wear a uniform? Just feel free to optimize without downgrading a working code on crates, corpses, or ground without multiplying gears or losing items...      
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