Idea was to create a feature where you get 'something' for headshots. A side reward for accurate shot, mostly for CQB.
Kill-feed is not the ideal option for arma or popping text with sound I came up with this. Description: Headgear should have some protection, but what about goggles and NVG's? They shouldn't be that durable, especially if a unit gets killed with headshot.   Helmets seems to be all static which are not. If you put a .50 cal round to the head, It's simply not possible for helmet to stay one piece. So I made them destroyable as well.   Weapons with different caliber will act different on headgear, according to armor level. For example you won't be destroying armor level 3 headgear with a MX rifle although you might destroy level 2 helmet. For armor level4 headgear, you need high caliber weapon.   There are different particle effects including coughing blood, big spray (of blood) going off mid air etc etc. For the helmet damage, powerful enough weapon caliber (like asp kir, gm6 or .50 cal) will not only destoy helmet; it will cause helmet parts to catch fire briefly.   Brand new visual effects for head wounds, fatal or not. particle effects: friction sparks, glass shards, blood, fire dust, electric parts failure smoke, headgear parts and hat / helmet fly-off Randomized particle effects according to gear present on unit Each effect is randomized within itself for authentic simulation HMD / Helmet destruction by a head wound mainly depends on chance which is currently at %77 HMDs can be broken with a non fatal shot. This depends on used weapon type and damage value. Helmets can only be destroyed with weapon calibers equal to and/or higher than 7.62 Other factors such as helmet's armor level taken into account with weapon caliber for a better simulation 5 different sound samples for HMD destruction played random each time 8 different sound samples for helmet taking heavy damage Damage from a very high caliber weapon such as .50cal mounted on offroad, GM6 Lynx can cause parts to catch fire briefly In order to make 'catch fire briefly' fx visible you have to have particles 'high' in video options Performance demand of this add-on is minimal as It uses no loops and nothing is added to Arma scheduler   Version: v1.14 Workshop link: Github: