After teasing people with promo shots in the combat photography thread for quite some time, I decided to open a separate thread for my upcoming AAF add-on. The idea behind this was to have a AAF faction for contemporary missions on Altis and Stratis using RHS assets and having only the RHS mods as a dependency. Over time I got permission to add some more models to this add-on and, so you’ll get a bit more than just RHS retextures…   To provide mission makers with a possible storyline, I wrote a small history of Altis, which ends in a republic being on the brink of civil war in 2017 and with interventions of both Russia and NATO as a real possibility:   Some screenshots: More:   The content so far: • AAF infantry in pixelated camo • AAF reservists in greek lizard camo • Altian Police units • BMP-3s, GAZ Tigrs, HMMWVs and Urals for the AAF • Ka-60 and L-159 for the Altian Air Wing • pro-western Rebels   Links: (More mirrors are always welcome!)
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