It has to do , (the higher position ) as i see , with the replacing model . so far tested ,this is the best option in my opinion, for anyone who wants to check : if (isServer) then { private _repleacearray = [ ["t_BroussonetiaP1s_F.p3d", "CUP_b_betula2w_summer", 0],//CUP_les_singlestrom_b ["t_FicusB1s_F.p3d", "CUP_hrusen2", 0], ["t_FicusB2s_F.p3d", "CUP_str_javor", 0], ["t_FraxinusAV2s_F.p3d", "CUP_t_PistaciaL2s_EP1", 0], ["t_OleaE1s_F.p3d", "CUP_les_singlestrom", 0], //CUP_t_picea3f CUP_les_singlestrom ["t_OleaE2s_F.p3d", "CUP_str_fikovnik2", 0], ["t_PhoenixC1s_F.p3d", "CUP_misc_BrokenSpruce_PMC", 0], ["t_PhoenixC3s_F.p3d", "CUP_misc_TorzoTree_PMC", 0],//CUP_DD_borovice02 ["t_PinusP3s_F.p3d", "CUP_t_picea3f", 0], //CUP_DD_borovice ["t_PinusS1s_F.p3d", "CUP_t_picea2s", 0], ["t_PinusS2s_b_F.p3d", "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", 0], // *No trees //CUP_t_PinusS3s_EP1 ["t_PinusS2s_F.p3d", "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", 0], // *No trees //CUP_t_PinusE2s_EP1 ["t_poplar2f_dead_F.p3d", "CUP_Smrk_maly", 0], // CUP_t_picea1s ["t_PopulusN3s_F.p3d", "CUP_str_vrba", 0], //CUP_Smrk_siroky ["t_QuercusIR2s_F.p3d", "CUP_str_liskac", 0] ]; { private _a = ((getModelInfo _x) select 0); private _c = _repleacearray select {_a == _x select 0}; if !( _c isEqualTo []) then { private _b = ((getModelInfo _x) select 1); private _replacetree = ([(_c select 0) select 1] call BIS_fnc_simpleObjectData) select 1; private _directionOffset = (_c select 0) select 2; private _position = getPosWorld _x; private _vectorDirUp = [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x]; hideObjectGlobal _x; private _simpletree = createSimpleObject [_replacetree, _position]; _simpletree setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirUp; _simpletree setDir (getdir _simpletree) + _directionOffset; _simpletree enableSimulationGlobal false; systemchat format["getModelInfo: %1 getPosWorld: %2 replacing tree ",getModelInfo _x, getPosWorld _x, _x]; }; } forEach nearestTerrainObjects [ [worldSize/2, worldSize/2], ["Tree"], //["Tree","Bush"], worldSize, false ]; }; hint "Replacing_trees_script done";   with less trees for : t_PinusS2s_b_F.p3d t_PinusS2s_F.p3d    
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