Good evening folks! I have been searching around for ways to decrease the amount of damage done to the player(s) by enemy AI. After some digging around, I remembered ArmA 3`s class difficulty settings and the server difficulty profile. My question is this: Could I reduce the damage coefficient for both players and their vehicles by including it in the mission`s description.ext file? Or is there perhaps another way to do it?  Could I use the HandleDamage EH? This mission would be intended both for single player and hosted multiplayer servers (read: not dedicated). Note that I am using ACE.   Cheers! Any tips would be appreciated!   EDIT: In the unit`s init field I have placed the following: unitname addeventhandler ["handledamage",{ unitname setdamage ((damage unitname) /1.005)}]; Regardless of the last value, if the unit is infantry, then he can still be KO`d with a single hit. I suspect that this ACE`s doing. If the unit is a vehicle, then the different modules (engine, gun, tracks, etc...) seem to take less damage. The vehicle itself can still be knocked out however. I will continue experimenting.   EDIT: I removed ACE and am now running vanilla. I tried using the following:   guy addEventHandler ["handledamage",{guy setDamage ((damage guy) - 0.000001)}]; Placing myself in front of a Varsuk, I was shot multiple times, and while I got the bloody screen with visible wounds on my character as well as the option to treat, I did not die. I would think that with such a small number being removed from the damage number, I would have eventually went down.   I have a looped hint running which actively tracks my damage, but it seems like every time I take a hit, my damage resets. So my damage is constantly around 0.999985. I was hoping that the script would remove a little bit of incoming each time, gradually allowing the total damage to reach 1. Since the damage resets after every hit however, my character cannot die. I am stumped...