Thanks! I've already improved the UI further.. so if you want a sneak peak: old versus new. In terms of converting the items to money, it's a take eventhandler, which selects an amount to add based on the item classname. In the current version dropping money is unavailable but I've already created a script to allow dropping money.   Hi, I've updated the function usage with some examples (seems like I should have done that in the first place).
In your case, <store type> needs to be replaced by the name of the store defined in the HALs\Addons\store\config.hpp. For example, in the provided test mission, you could use either "weapon" or "navigation": if (isServer) then {[this, "weapon"] call HALs_store_fnc_addTrader;};  if (isServer) then {[this, "navigation"] call HALs_store_fnc_addTrader;};   
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