Arma are first and foremost an infantry MIL SIM, however sometimes I wish we could merge Arma with DCS. When I write that, I don't mean the 100% complex flight sim, but maybe larger areas, more realistic flight models, a bit more flight management as we still have a pretty simple model in Arma even with the new helicopters DLC.   I also know resources to make it need to come from somewhere, however I would buy and pay a good sum of money to get a DLC that could offer more fleshed out helicopter / airplane models to the Arma world.   With the new Jets, we are running out of maps, the official maps are very small when you travel with Mrk1 and the cloud base is not really representative as there are some abnormalities compared to "flight"sims.    This is NOT a complaint, just an observation, and a bit of daydreaming about a fusion of the two worlds ;)