Problem: I thought this was solved, but it turns out foot prints are permanent ONLY if a player was near the unit making footprints at the time. So we cannot have an AI run through waypoints leaving a permanent footprint trail. However, this would still be useful in a scenario where a player is tracking another player. Bummer!!
I'd like to create footprints (and make them permanent) as part of trail for JBOY dog to track.
The command nearestObjects returns an array of near objects with left and right footprints in it:
[NOID footstep_l.p3d,NOID footstep_l.p3d,NOID footstep_l.p3d]
How do I create these footprints via a command? I tried typeOf and getModelInfo on these footstep objects, but it wasn't giving me an object I could use CreateSimpleObject with...
Once created, I'm hoping that enableSimulation false will prevent them from disappearing (that works for shell casings..).