Hey there!   I was wondering if there was a way to pack scripts into a mod and initialize them whenever the player beginns a mission in single or multiplayer. If tried it with this: class CfgVehicles { class Land; class Man : Land { class UserActions { class acms { displayName="acms"; position="player"; onlyforplayer=1; radius=1.0; condition="this == player"; statement="[] execVM ""ACMS\init.sqf"""; }; }; }; class All {}; class Static: All {}; class Building: Static {}; class NonStrategic: Building {}; class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {}; class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {}; }; and also with this: class cfgvehicles { class Logic; class ACMS_Name : Logic { displayName = "ACMS"; icon = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa"; picture = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "Modules"; class Eventhandlers { init = "(_this select 0) execvm ""init.sqf"" "; }; }; }; which is a part of this forum topic: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=35205.0   It would be okay if the player would have to Press a button like F7 or smth like that but not have to change anything in the mission.   I don't know any other way to do this. I am new in the modding scene altough i know the basics and more of scripting.   I really do hope that someone can help me with my prolem. :)