TypeSqf Editor 1.08
by Engima
The TypeSqf Editor is a script editor for Arma 3. The most important features are:
Syntax Highlighting
Syntax Checking
Auto Completion
Object Oriented Scripting (SQX Syntax)
CPack Service (like nuGets in Visual Studio)
The TypeSqf editor is a developer's tool for scripting in Arma 3. Besides using it to write SQF code with syntax highlighting and auto completion, it analyzes your syntax in real time, alerting you if something is erroneous or suspicious.
Object Oriented Scripting
The editor comes with an optional extended functionality for SQF syntax, called SQX. In a convenient way, and with as many similarities to SQF as possible, SQX enables object oriented scripting (classes) and adds type handling. Classes may contain a constructor, fields, properties and methods. It works because the .sqx files are compiled into corresponding .sqf files before executed by Arma 3.
The CPack Service
The CPack Service is a service for sharing content with other script editors as well as to organize your own code. In short a CPack is a content bundle (a .zip file) that you upload and label with a name and a version number. Then they are very easy for anyone to download and include in any mission.
Download at Official TypeSqf Site.
Installation / Usage
1. Open the zip file and run the installer.
2. Run TypeSqf from the start menu.
(See the video "Getting started with the TypeSqf editor" below.)
Code is shared at Github: https://github.com/XEngima/Apps-TypeSqfEdit
Getting started with the TypeSqf editor.
Creating and using an SQX Crowd class in Arma 3 using the TypeSqf Editor.
More videos:
TypeSqf Features Part 1 - Getting started with TypeSqf
TypeSqf Features Part 2 - Main Features
TypeSqf Features Part 3 - The Power Of CPacks
TypeSqf Features Part 4 - The CPack Console
There's more. You can find all videos here.
Feedback and error reports
I will gladly receive any feedback. Please tell me good things, bad things, errors, whishes etc. Please use this forum thread for comments, but email all error reports to typesqf@outlook.com.
Thanks to
Josef - The main man on auto completion for script commands and the search and replace dialog.
Version 1.08
-Added bracked highlighting (thanks Josef!)
-Added context menu for undo, redo, cut, copy, paste and replace (thanks GHSid!)
-Support for multiline strings in SQF.
-Fixed: The CPack Manager sometimes added non existing file nodes in the project tree view.
-General fixes and improvements.
-SQX: Support for multiline strings.
Version 1.07
-It is now possible to rename files and folders in the project tree view.
-Fixed: Addressed some stability issues (thanks Josef!).
-Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 1.06
-Added support for all script commands up until Arma 3 version 2.00 (ScriptCommands.xml).
-Fixed: General stability issues in CPack manager.
-Fixed: Settings file not updated with new project when a new project is opened.
-SQX: Updated the SQF/SQX analyzer and compiler to version 1.06.
-SQX: Fixed: Analyze of multiple class inheritence levels sometimes resulted in faulty error messages.
Version 1.05
-Improved the syntax highlighting.
-Fixed: Editor crasching when analyzing files that do not belong to current project.
-Fixed: Intellisense sometimes contained multiple identical private variables.
-SQX: Fixed: Analyzer does not forget about file content in files that are being removed.
Version 1.04
-Added menu item "Rebuild project" to perform a full reset, reanalyze and build of the project.
-Added support for all script commands up until Arma 3 version 1.98 (into ScriptCommands.xml).
-Made the project root node expanded from start when opening a project.
-General improvements.
-SQF: Now possible to use "#" instead of "select" when selecting from a list (allowed in Arma 3 since version 1.82).
-SQF: Now possible to have empty string literals in params.
-SQX: Refactor of SQF/SQX analyzer and compiler (speeded up the build times a lot).
-SQX: Now possible to declare typed variables on a single assignement line (private Scalar _number = 0).
-SQX: Now possible to declare typed variables using new SQX keyword 'var' (var _number = 0).
Version 1.03
-Added intellisense when using keyword "override" in a sub class.
-Updated analyzer and SQX compiler to version 1.03.
-SQX: Fixed: Strange behavior regarding negation symbol (e.g. "return -1;").
-SQX: Fixed: No warning when sub class tries to override a method that does not exist in base class.
-Fixed: Help menu link to SQX forum not working.
Version 1.02
-Added support for all script commands up until Arma 3 version 1.96 (into ScriptCommands.xml).
-Added status bar that shows replaced occurrences on the replace dialog (thanks Josef!).
Version 1.01
-Fixed: Crasch when performing search and replace in text selection (thanks Josef!)
-Updated analyzer and SQX compiler to version 1.01.
-SQX: Added checks for when a sub class is missing call to explicit base constructor.
Version 1.0
-Updated analyzer and SQX compiler to version 1.0.
-SQX: Fixed: Debug logging in implicit constructors missing.
-SQX: Fixed: Error when defining an interface with the same name as a class.
-SQX: Added error message explaining that type Number that has changed to Scalar.
Version 0.70
-Added search and replace functionality. (Big thanks to Josef!)
Version 0.69
-Added support for all script commands up until Arma 3 version 1.96 (into ScriptCommands.xml).
-Updated dependency to .NET to 4.6.2.
Microsoft Windows.
Other releases
The SQX Script Language (Object Oriented SQF Scripting)
TvT/PvP Campaign Framework (TvTCF)
Campaign - Operation Shoe Lace
Engima's Traffic
Engima's Civilians
Engima's Simple Tasks