Think this calls for a little experiment, as why not!   LARs_fnc_findGameImages = { if !( canSuspend ) exitWith { _this spawn LARs_fnc_findGameImages }; disableSerialization; private [ "_color", "_total", "_totalIndex", "_stxt", "_display" ]; params[ [ "_cfg", configFile ] ]; _fnc_createProgress = { createDialog "RscDisplayNotFreezeBig"; waitUntil { _display = findDisplay 100002; !isNull _display }; { _ctrl = _display displayCtrl _x; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; }forEach [ 101, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083 ]; _stxt = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscStructuredText", 1000 ]; _stxt ctrlSetPosition [ 0, -0.1, 1, 0.1 ]; _stxt ctrlCommit 0; }; _fnc_working = { params[ "_count", "_msg" ]; _msg params[ "_prefix", "_suffix" ]; _msg = format[ "<t color='%1'>%2</t>", _color, _prefix ]; for "_i" from 0 to ( _count % 30 ) do { _msg = format[ "%1.", _msg ]; }; _msg = format[ "%1<br/>%2/%3 %4<br/>", _msg, _totalIndex, _total, _suffix ]; _stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _msg; }; _fnc_isTexture = { params[ "_value" ]; if ( toLower( _value select [ 0, 6 ] ) isEqualTo "str_a3" ) then { _value = localize _value; }; if ( _value isEqualTo "" ) exitWith {}; _value = toLower _value; { _tmp = _value splitString _x; { _part = _x; { if( _part select [ (( count _part ) -4 ), 4 ] isEqualTo _x ) then { _nul = LARs_configTextures pushBackUnique _part; }; }forEach[ ".paa", ".jpg", ".tga", ".bmp", ".png" ]; }forEach _tmp; }forEach[ "'", " ", "," ]; }; _fnc_getProperties = { params[ "_cfg" ]; _properties = configProperties[ _cfg, "isText _x || isArray _x", false ]; { [ _forEachIndex, [ "Searching config", "root classes" ] ] call _fnc_working; switch ( true ) do { case ( isText _x ) : { ( getText _x ) call _fnc_isTexture; }; case ( isArray _x ) : { { if ( _x isEqualType "" ) then { _x call _fnc_isTexture; }; }forEach getArray _x; }; }; }forEach _properties; }; _fnc_getClasses = { params[ "_cfg", [ "_root", true ] ]; _classes = ( "true" configClasses _cfg ); if ( _root ) then { _total = count _classes; }; { if ( _root ) then { _r = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 1, 0 ]; _g = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 0, 1 ]; _color = [ _r, _g, 0, 1 ] call BIS_fnc_colorRGBAtoHTML; _totalIndex = _forEachIndex; }; _x call _fnc_getProperties; [ _x, false ] call _fnc_getClasses; }forEach _classes; }; call _fnc_createProgress; if ( isNil "LARs_lastConfig" || { LARs_lastConfig != _cfg } ) then { LARs_lastConfig = _cfg; LARs_configTextures = []; _cfg call _fnc_getClasses; }; if ( count LARs_configTextures > 0 ) then { _ctrlGrp = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscControlsGroup", 1001 ]; _ctrlGrp ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]; _ctrlGrp ctrlCommit 0; _total = count LARs_configTextures; _picHeight = 0.15; { _r = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 1, 0 ]; _g = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 0, 1 ]; _color = [ _r, _g, 0, 1 ] call BIS_fnc_colorRGBAtoHTML; _totalIndex = _forEachIndex; [ _forEachIndex, [ "Please wait filling UI", "images found" ] ] call _fnc_working; _picGrp = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscControlsGroup", 1010 + _forEachIndex, _ctrlGrp ]; _picGrp ctrlSetPosition [ 0, _picHeight * _forEachIndex, 1, _picHeight ]; _picGrp ctrlCommit 0; _pic = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscPicture", 3010 + _forEachIndex, _picGrp ]; _pic ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, _picHeight, _picHeight ]; _pic ctrlSetText _x; _pic ctrlCommit 0; _btn = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscButton", 5010 + _forEachIndex, _picGrp ]; _btn ctrlSetPosition [ _picHeight, 0, 1-_picHeight, _picHeight ]; _btn ctrlSetText _x; _btn buttonSetAction format[ "hint 'copied to clipboard'; copyToClipboard str %1", str _x ]; _btn ctrlCommit 0; }forEach LARs_configTextures; }; _stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "Finished"; sleep 3; _stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "Please select a file path to copy to clipboard"; }; [ configFile ] call LARs_fnc_findGameImages; Just run from the debug console, once finished just click on a file path to copy to clipboard. Be careful running on a modded game, vanilla alone comes back with +7000 references. You can always limit the searched config by passing in a configpath e.g   [ configFile >> "CfgMarkers" ] call LARs_fnc_findGameImages
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