I am fairly new to scripting in Arma and I am trying to get up to speed scripting for COOP/MP, and in this aspect I am working on a flare-script. My current script is working fine, however I would like to have more control over the brightness/intensity of my flare (as the flare fired in vanilla Arma don't illuminate very much, whereas with Blastcore it does).   I am therefore looking into using a light ("#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos _flare;), that I will either attach to my current flare or in whole replace my flare. However I have read that all of the "setLight" methods only affect the "local" light (not for each client in COOP/MP). E.g created this way: // ... some code that creates/setup my _flare ... _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos _flare; _light setLightFlareSize _flareSize; _light setLightBrightness _flareBrightness; _light setLightIntensity _flareIntensity; _light setLightColor _flareColor; _light setLightAmbient _flareColor; _light attachTo [_flare, [0, 0, 0]]; // ... some code that controls/animates my _flare ... Is it possible to have the light being created/controlled on each "connected client"?, and if so how?