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About pellelil

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    Software, Music/Sound, Arma, Flightsim

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  1. How did you mange to make it directionally? Something you did, or is it simply blocked by the 3D model?
  2. So I guess something in the line of this: _scriptCreatingSettingLight = { _flare = _this select 0; _flareBrightness = _this select 1; // ... "read" more params ... _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos _flare; _light setLightBrightness _flareBrightness; // ... "set" more params ... }; [_flare, 4] remoteExec ["_scriptCreatingSettingLight"]; Not calling remoteExec with a specific client it should run on all clients, so for optimization it might be a good idea to find all client within a cirtain range from where the flare is fired, and then only use remoteExec on those !? You know if it will work with a local function, or does it have to be a global?
  3. I am fairly new to scripting in Arma and I am trying to get up to speed scripting for COOP/MP, and in this aspect I am working on a flare-script. My current script is working fine, however I would like to have more control over the brightness/intensity of my flare (as the flare fired in vanilla Arma don't illuminate very much, whereas with Blastcore it does). I am therefore looking into using a light ("#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos _flare;), that I will either attach to my current flare or in whole replace my flare. However I have read that all of the "setLight" methods only affect the "local" light (not for each client in COOP/MP). E.g created this way: // ... some code that creates/setup my _flare ... _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getPos _flare; _light setLightFlareSize _flareSize; _light setLightBrightness _flareBrightness; _light setLightIntensity _flareIntensity; _light setLightColor _flareColor; _light setLightAmbient _flareColor; _light attachTo [_flare, [0, 0, 0]]; // ... some code that controls/animates my _flare ... Is it possible to have the light being created/controlled on each "connected client"?, and if so how?
  4. I don't think there is a function which does what I want, so I ended up doing the following:
  5. Zenophon first of all Thanks a million for all the time you spend creating and maintaining this framework. I am am myself relative new to Arma scripting, but I have a background as a software developer, so after all its "just a matter" of another syntax, other frameworks, and getting up to speed with all the strange quirks in Arma scripting. Looking through your source I have learned a lot, and I'm still learning. Anyway, I am working on a small "present" for you, and in this aspect I need to transform a Compass Direction (0°-360°), an Angle (where 0° is along the flat-terrain, 90° is straight up), and a Velocity (meters per second), into a 3 dimentional velocity-vector. I am guessing I have to use one of the "ZEN_STD_Math_VectXXX" macros defined in "Zen_StandardLibrary.sqf", but I am not 100% sure exactly how (given I have these 3 variables: _direction, _angle, _velocity)?