I think I found the solution to OP's question:
  After you respawn, this will return a string of the display name of the last loadout selected in the selection screen: _respawnCombo = uiNamespace getVariable (["BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_ctrlComboLoadout", "BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_ctrlComboLoadout"] select (uiNamespace getVariable ["BIS_RscRespawnControlsSpectate_shown", false])); _respawnTemplateDisplayName = _respawnCombo lbText (lbCurSel _respawnCombo); For example, if you had, and selected, the loadout: class WEST1 { displayName = "Light"; icon = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\sergeant_gs.paa"; role = "Test"; weapons[] = { "arifle_MXC_F", "Binocular" }; magazines[] = { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell" }; items[] = { "FirstAidKit" }; linkedItems[] = { "V_Chestrig_khk", "H_Watchcap_blk", "optic_Aco", "acc_flashlight", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio" }; uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt"; backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"; }; _respawnTemplateDisplayName would return "Light"
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