While I've kept the IRL island name, this terrain has been largely altered from the real island for various reasons.  Besides the buildings and vegetation, I've chopped the top of the mountain off, altered a lot of roads, etc.  However, it does still resemble the real place in some ways.    
Iwagi is a small island located in the Ehime prefecture, kinda in between Okoyama and Hiroshima. I'm planning on using assets from the Apex expansion, and so it will require having the expansion to play. Right now, it's a total of 6x6km(I guess that could possibly change if it's too small). The island itself is roughly 4x5km. I'm using a cell space(hoizontal scale) of 3m, which is slightly less than what is suggested by all the Arma terrain gurus, but I'm hoping with it being a pretty small terrain it will work out alright. While I tried to keep a lot of places true to it's IRL form, I'm mostly limited to Google streets and as such I'm completely winging most of the island. Besides that, it needs to be military friendly.. so I completely chopped the top of the mountain and I'm going to put a military base there. =]
I think I started working on Iwagi in February of this year. Originally, I had started with a completely custom terrain taking bits and pieces from all over the world in Google Earth Pro and piecing them together like a Frenkenstein. After a year of killing myself I decided to jump into a smaller terrain and use a real world place. This will be my first terrain for anything. Being as small as it is, I'm not sure it will be suitable for anything milsim related(hopefully I'm wrong), I'm hoping to be able to use it for Battle Royale and/or maybe some survival mods.
- I want to keep the mod filesize as small as possible.  Thus, a smaller terrain with very limited user made content/models.
- I don't want to require the user to have any other community made mods loaded to play on the terrain.
TO DO LIST (as of 14 Sep 2016) Finish surface mask. Finish sat map. Finish watershed erosion and reservoir objects. Place random rocks. Finish rock outcrops. Fix mixture of vegetation in forests, add rocks and fallen trees. Finish military housing area. Finish military base layout and objects. Finish airport runway, objects, and buildings. Remove all vegetation from roadways and under buildings and other objects where it's noticeable. Set water level. Check AI movements along roadways and bridges. Have all bridges placed and remove road textures from underneath. Place road intersections and transitions. Finalize clutter mixture for all surfaces, no texture issues, set color and wind variation. Fix all road gradients, remove protrusions, smooth. Place polygons for vegetation. Place back roads and trails polylines. Place secondary roads polylines. Place main highway polylines. Put together a rough sat mask for ground textures. Make a place for a large military base and housing. Sculpt a rough height map with L3DT. Put together a rough sat map to use as a guide. MEDIA
IRL Location: https://goo.gl/maps/YMEwqNyjmD32
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iwagi,_Ehime
Photo album: http://imgur.com/a/hqQSr
I don't really have many pictures or videos yet, but I'm usually streaming on Twitch when I'm working on it. Once I can get it working in Arma I'll take some snapshots and make a video.
I'll be back once I have more.  If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.