Hey guys,
I made a custom memory allocator for Arma3 and I want to share it with you. Originally I made this for testing purpose only but maybe it can improve performance in some cases.
Based on Intels tbbmalloc 4.4 Update 5 (https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/)
Support for large pages
Includes some special tweaks which can improve performance in some cases (opt in) (experimental stuff is not included anymore).
Interface for reading memory statistics and modifying parameters on the fly
Customizable via settings file
Source code included. Feel free to modify :)
Readme.txt for usage is included but there are also many answers in this thread.
Download (based on "tbb44_20160526oss", battleye compatible)
Download (based on "tbb2017_20161128oss", NOT battleye compatible yet...)
Download 64-bit Version (based on "tbb2017_20161128oss", NOT battleye compatible yet...)