Version 1.1 Released:  Units stop popping up and down after they no longer know about enemies.   When placing units in static defensive positions (on roofs, behind walls, behind windows, etc.), I want the units to react more dynamically under fire, and duck down to cover, then pop up to return fire, then duck back down to cover again.  So I wrote this very simple script (its used in both my Arma 3 missions Property of Mabunga and Leper Island).  The script is called by a Fired Near event handler (so they react to fire).  Here's a short demonstration:   Note: Zenophon kindly incorporated this script in his Zenophon's Infantry Occupy House Script (his script is essential for your urban combat needs...very smart placement of units in/on buildings).   To execute this script, put the following line in the unit's init.  Note the second parameter tells the script what stances you want the script to toggle between.  Use ["Middle","Down"] for a guy in a crouch position behind a low wall.  He will alternate from crouch to prone.  Use ["Up","Down"] or ["Up","Middle"] for a guy behind taller cover that will shoot from standing position, then crouch or go prone to hide. this addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Middle","Down"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; Create a file called JBOY_UpDown.sqf in your mission directory, and put this simple code in it:   Hope you find this useful.  Johnnyboy out.   Credits: 4-325Ranger for reporting issue where guys bob up and down after no longer in danger.  Thanks dude!