ReColor mod adds a color correction and film grain post process effects to any mission.

Steam Workshop
Dropbox ______________
Copyright 2016-2018 Greenfist. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the author's Steam account named 'Sams' . ______________
- The effects kick in automatically when you start a mission.
- Fully configurable with the in-game dialog.
- Includes multiple presets provided with the game and the mod.
- Create your own custom presets for every occasion - for different times of day, weather, map, mood etc.
- Import/export presets by copying/pasting a single line - Export a ready-to-use script to add to a mission
- Works in single and multiplayer.
- No mod dependencies.
- No impact on performance!

Usage instructions:
1. Play a mission.
2. Open the menu by pressing ESC.
3. Click the ReColor button in the bottom right corner to open the settings.
4. Select a preset or modify the default one.
5. Name your preset and click the save button. (OK will also save the current settings)
6. Click OK.

You can also open the settings within the Spendid Camera and 3den editor (Tools menu).

