OO_PATHFINDING - shortest route between two positions Lastest version : 0.4 by Code34 Download from : Dropbox Download from : Armaholic Like to donate ? with Paypal GitHub : https://github.com/code34/oo_pathfinding.altis Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding a shortest path on a weighted graph (Source wikipedia) OO_PATH gives the opportunity to recover a set of positions that form a path between point A and point B. Several algorithm are avalaible to check the path.OO_PATH uses a virtual grid which replaces the map, and allows you to improve the precision on a well-defined area. The A* algorithm can use a weight function call back that permits to give weight depending of obstacles, objects, etc found on the sector. You must know that the condition of pathfinding is not optimized (it is not part of the object), that's why it takes time. Here the goal is to deliver an object ready for use for all types of use and not specifically for GPS. If you want to improve performance, precalculate prerequisites. Applications Pathfinding for units/vehicles AI improvements GPS Features GreedyBestFirst Algorithm Dijkstra Algorithm A* Algorithm, with dynamic call back weight function entrie Use a virtual Grid (OO_GRID) Licence Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author Documentation Example with A* Algorithm Readme