Werthles' Headless Module (now v2.0!)   Fully configurable module to give headless clients control of editor/script/Zeus AI.   -->TUTORIAL VIDEO - CLICK HERE<--     Albert is the name of my headless client...   Downloads: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510031102 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29455   Main features: Easy way to create headless client missions HC Setup and Ignore modules Editor/script/Zeus AIs auto-transferred to HC control AI waypoints/scripts/trigger syncs preserved Splits AIs evenly among multiple HCs 3D Debug Mode   Here's Why Headless Clients Are Good:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-WKHrC661g&feature=iv&src_vid=15VK_kNOu6o&annotation_id=annotation_4128809211#t=1m46.4s   How To Use: Download the mod and launch Arma 3 with the mod. Edit your mission, adding a WH Setup Module, found under "Headless Modules". Configure the parameters as appropriate for your mission. Add an "Ignore" module if required. Add playable, uniquely named, headless clients. Save your mission as a multiplayer mission. Set up your server and headless clients Play your mission! Players, HCs and the server need to run the WHM mod in order to play.   Part 3 of this guide is how I set up dedicated servers and headless clients: Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508     Setup Module Parameters: Headless clients to be used Repeating checks for spawned AI Time to wait between repeats 3D debug mode for all or just admins Balance the number of AI units on each HC, and rebalance when uneven Delay between module activation and HC setup starting Time between each HC transfer, to aid stability Initial setup report Phrases the module should ignore when checking AI for the HC (can be whole/part unit names/group names/unit type/synced module name) If certain units need to remain controlled by (local to) the server, simply sync these units to an ignore module.   Compatibility   When combining with mods that require setup time, try increasing the WHM startup delay or activate the module on a trigger, so WHM setup starts afterwards.   ALiVE Compatibility   ALiVE Profiles: Attach "WH Setup Module" to a radio trigger (or similar solution), then activate once in game (else profiles do not load or save correctly).   ALiVE Support Modules: Give the group a distinct callsign, then add this to the list of units to ignore within the "WH Setup Module". Please let me know if you find an issue with this and any mods. I will list any issues found here. I would like to make this compatible with as many mods as possible!   Headless Client Tips: Headless Clients must be set as playable and have a unique name. HCs cannot connect to client internet multiplayer servers, only local servers or dedicated servers. This is because IPs cannot be whitelisted with these servers. HCs can only connect to servers which are passworded. WHM will change the locality of the AI being transferred to HCs. This can interfere with some scripts. If it does, you can use the "Ignore" module to stop WHM from giving the HC control of individual groups. See: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-locality/   Links For Scripted Version: WHK Setup Guide (For scripted version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15VK_kNOu6o Werthles Headless Kit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459317544 Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508 WHK Armaholic Download http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28917   Please let me know if there are any problems/things that could be improved, and I'll get to work on it!   I'd also love to see this in action. Please link me if you have screenshots/videos!