Mod version : 0.1.90 (2022.05.26)
    Hello and welcome to the Ravage Mod Thread!

Ravage is a survival mod focused on immersive and dynamic gameplay.
Players are to survive in a post-apocalyptic world,
where bandits, hunger and the infected will be constant threats.      
About "Ravage"
Ravage is a comprehensive survival modification, inspired by various games such as the Stalker series or the Dayz mod, as well as many novels like The White Plague by Frank Herbert or Ravage by Barjavel.
The Ravage mod has been in development since 2013 and is still an ongoing project. It includes demo missions and several editor tools allowing you to create all sorts of scenarios in a matter of minutes.
Ravage is designed to be easy to use, performance-friendly and is compatible with many addons.
    Features SP & MP compatible : Ravage comes with a set of easy-to-use modules, allowing you to create your own survival experience. All modules are designed to work in every environment : single player, locally hosted or dedicated servers.
Survival mechanics :
Hunger and thirst system connected to Arma 3 fatigue simulation :
The more gear you carry running around, the hungrier & thirstier you will be.
Eating and drinking will restore a small amount of health (with a bonus near
Fireplaces), your health will decrease at low hunger & thirst levels.
Zombies :
Ravage includes a dynamic zombie spawn system. As the sun goes down, more
infected will be roaming the land. Beware! Some zombies are extremely fast
and will outrun you if you don't manage your fatigue.
(Includes animations from Teacup's pack, Breaking Point and custom skins by Bad Benson.)
Bandits & survivors :
Survivors are despaired and don't hesitate to kill to obtain whatever they
can scavenge. You will stumble upon clans of bandits fighting each other,
searching towns for loot or hunting you down.
Not all survivors are hostile though; some of them are willing to join you.
Quality OST :
Including soundtracks from the STALKER games with permission from GSC Game World,
as well as a selection of Arma 3 tracks. WIP.
And many more : Accelerated time factor. New items (usable by double-clicking them in your inventory). Realistic vehicle repairs. Dynamic weather. Ability to sleep (requires camping items). Radiations, gasmasks (includes breathing sounds function) and Geiger counter. Loot and Dynamic Furnitures systems. Wrecks and derelict vehicles spawning on roads. Character persistency in Multiplayer. Compatible with many addons (details below).     How to play?
Just launch one of the scenarios listed under "Scenarios/Ravage Mod"; everything you need to know will be explained along your journey.
Make sure tutorial hints are enabled in your settings!

Kodabar kindly made a video showcasing the demo mission, with instructions on mod installation :
If you play a Multiplayer mission wich has character persistency enabled, your equipment, survival status and position will be saved and restored next time you join the same server.
All your saved characters can be previewed and/or deleted from the MP save manager (scenarios>Ravage).
Mission Making
Several modules are available under modules >> "Ravage" in Editor mode.
Amongst other things, these allow you to :     spawn hostile and friendly ambient AI.     spawn zombies.     enable the dynamic weather function.     cover the map with wrecks and damaged vehicles.     enable the loot system and spawn ambient furnitures inside buildings.     enable the survival and radiation systems.     enable character persistency in Multiplayer. Each module controls one particular aspect of Ravage features and can be used independently. You will usually need only one module of each type, except for the zombie hordes module.
Creating a mission for Ravage, be it a singleplayer or multiplayer scenario, requires close to zero scripting knowledge :
the modules will detect what kind of environment they are working in (SP, locally hosted or dedicated server) and adapt accordingly.
More informations are available on the Ravage Wiki. It provides valuable informations on survival mechanics or mission-making using the Ravage modules. @MuRaZorWitchKING also compiled a usefull guide on Steam.
Make sure to have a read there first if you have any doubt or question!
Ravage on Youtube
Thanks to Gunter Severloh, the Ravage Mod has its own Youtube Channel!
Most, if not all, the videos related to Ravage will be compiled there; if you want to see just how modular Ravage can be, how people play it, or just looking for tutorials, it's definitely the place to go.
Make sure to subscribe if you want to stay tuned with the latest additions to the mod!
Supported Addons
This mod requires CBA_A3!
Ravage is designed to be compatible with many addons in order to bring in more variety :
      Recommended Mods
Besides the supported addons, the modding community has been producing many mods for any taste.
Here's a list of selected mods that will enhance your ingame experience with Ravage :
      Performances Tips If you are going to play Singleplayer, consider launching Steam in OFFLINE mode. Always set the Arma3 Launcher to close itself after clicking "play". Be aware that the new Water Reflections can cost up to 10 frames per second, you can turn this feature off from the video options.     Credits & Thanks
Special thanks to Bad Benson, Cosmic10r, Evil Organ & Tourist for their numerous contributions and precious help testing Ravage MP!
Thanks to Kodabar and Gunter Severloh for their support, and to anyone spreading the good word! Gasmasks and Shemags made by Cunico and included with permission ( STALKER:Shadow of Chernobyl soundtrack by Mooze, included with permission from GSC. Loot System based on concepts by Larrow and Na_Palm. Weather system based on randomWeather2 by Meatball ( Scorch's Inventory Items by Scorch_052 used by some of the new items ( Radioactive Zone Warning Sign texture by Bossmann. Additional models & textures by Giorgygr. Infected skins by Bad Benson. Additional sound FX and config tweaks and dynamic compositions by Evil Organ. Retextured weapons by Cosmic10R. The MP save system was inspired by zooloo75's concept. Zombie animations by Teacup and the Breaking Point Mod team. The "Ghost Hunters" showcase uses VFX based on @aliascartoons's work for his Strigoi concept.

Ravage Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request.
Using Ravage Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. You may not reupload this mod on Steam.
Download Links : Ravage v0.1.90   Mirrors : Ravage Wiki (thanks to Kodabar) :     How can you support mod development? Any contribution can help and will be used to acquire content related to Arma3, and/or survival games, such as DLCs and future BIS releases. Or coffee. Feel free to donate whatever you want, no matter how modest your contribution may be, tokens of appreciation always boost moral and creativity.