You can use the "respawn" eventhandler and within that you can have your if statements checking the specific unit's classname (i.e. Jet Pilot) and then simply have it setpos of the unit to your marker position. Put this in your init.sqf: player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { if (typeOf _this == "PilotClassname") then {_this setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); } else { if (typeof _this == "OtherClassname") then {..same code, different marker..} else { on}; }]; Sorry for the bad spacing currently doing this on my phone. And you may need some JIP checks as well, but we will see, someone may make that point hereafter my post :p. And if you don't want to use the event handler then the if statements can be used for conditions of multiple triggers that encompass the normal "respawn_west" marker, and the onAct would be your get and setpos commands. And for groups, aside from checking classname, all you would need to do is instead of "typeof player" you would do "group player" and then the other side of the == would be the group leader id or group id.
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