With this template you can speedup your mission making and add intelligence to the AI without scripting one word. Good luck! What you get without one word of scripting: - Automated patrols of any kind. Air patrols, footpatrols, vehicle patrols, boat patrols. - Automated fortifications - Working mortars, artillery, transportation system. Basicly any type of unit is recognized by GAIA and you dont need to do one thing. - Smart AI system that will coordinate the attacks and adjust to what ever the player is doing. - Integrated caching system. - Integrated respawn system (so you can create endless battles) - A shitload more - All of the above by simple adding a line in the init of a group without having to understand anything. GAIA is the AI system that is used in the mod MCC. With this you can add GAIA AI system to your missions without MCC addon. This tempLate serves 2 goals: - How to use GAIA if you have MCC and want to use the BIS editor. (You dont need this template then, just create a new mission with MCC addon active) - Run GAIA stand alone and make missions fast. Completely independent of MCC. (you wont benefit automaticly from gaia updates then, MCC owners do) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/545256127159957225/A50B01AB18E61E24DD9010B7F8F38DDA9EF48AE0/1024x640.resizedimage (207 kB) For who? This is meant for mission editors. I will answer anything gaia related but I will not teach you how to use the bis editor. So basic knowledge of the bis editor is required. If that is not you, go to our mod MCC: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3 Holds the same GAIA but then with a great GUI (and more). Why stand alone? I know some wanted it for a longer time. I also wanted a showcase for people that have MCC but want to use it in the bis editor. So now you can learn how to do that. The other is to make people aware of the use of this system so you can be our next big MCC fan! :) GAIA stands for Greater Artificial Intelligence. Manual to GAIA-> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56634804/MCC%20GAIA%20V1.0%20Release.pdf Goal of GAIA GAIA can best be seen as a higher level lead organization that is tasked to make all groups work towards (a) common goal(s). GAIA does not improve and tries not to influence the behavior at group level. So what is it that GAIA wants? The main goal of GAIA is to defend territory. To do that she makes sure that: - All assets are used intelligently. Know your units, what can they do, what are their weaknesses. - Responses to threat are in proportion. Do not send more troops then needed, but also make sure it is enough to deal with the opposing threat. - Understand the priorities. The closer a threat is to the center of the territory (zone), the higher the priority. How install this template Unzip it to the directory where Arma saves user missions (when you click save in the BIS editor). After that fire up arma WITHOUT MCC!!! and go to the BIS Editor and load the mission. The Mission contains multiple examples of how to use GAIA, to see all that text in the editor click on the marker symbol (as if you want to make marker). You will now see all the markers and explanations. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/545256127159166107/BAA17C5E14434D462A8E1D2E3EA946E966E67074/1024x640.resizedimage (147 kB) How to use it -The mission contains one playable unit. Drag that to whatever example you want to spectate. Then click preview and enjoy the show. - In the editor read the text at the markers and if understood double click on the leader of the group. It will show the init of the group. This is the setting that was given and how you handle units to GAIA control. Indepth Zones Create a marker rectangle or ellipse of any size. Name it by a number. It MUST be a number! Units will NOT patrol outside that area. init.sqf After unzipping you will find in the mission folder init.sqf. It will contain the following variables that you can change to your liking. (OPTIONAL TO CHANGE, YOU DONT HAVE TO!) // From what range away from closest player should units be cached (in meters or what every metric system arma uses)? // To test this set it to 20 meters. Then make sure you get that close and move away. // You will notice 2 levels of caching 1 all but leader, 2 completely away // Stage 2 is 2 x GAIA_CACHE_STAGE_1. So default 2000, namely 2 x 1000 GAIA_CACHE_STAGE_1 = 1000; // The follow 3 influence how close troops should be to known conflict to be used to help attack/defend. (so they wont travel all the map to support) // How far should footmobiles be called in to support attacks. // This is also the range that is used by the transport system. If futher then the below setting from a zone, they can get transport. MCC_GAIA_MAX_SLOW_SPEED_RANGE = 600; // How far should vehicles be called in to support attacks. (including boats) MCC_GAIA_MAX_MEDIUM_SPEED_RANGE= 4500; // How far should air units be called in to support attacks. MCC_GAIA_MAX_FAST_SPEED_RANGE = 80000; // How logn should mortars and artillery wait (in seconds) between fire support missions. MCC_GAIA_MORTAR_TIMEOUT = 300; // DANGEROUS SETTING!!! // If set to TRUE gaia will even send units that she does NOT control into attacks. Be aware ONLy for attacks. // They will not suddenly patrol if set to true. MCC_GAIA_ATTACKS_FOR_NONGAIA = false; // If set to false, ai will not use smoke and flares (during night) MCC_GAIA_AMBIANT = true; // Influence how high the chance is (when applicaple) that units do smokes and flare (so not robotic style) // Default is 20 that is a chance of 1 out of 20 when they are applicable to use smokes and flares MCC_GAIA_AMBIANT_CHANCE = 20; // The seconds of rest a transporter takes after STARTING his last order MCC_GAIA_TRANSPORT_RESTTIME = 40;   Initialization field of group leader In the initialization field of the group leader put one (or more) of the following. (please see the template in the editor to understand what this does!) // Make units patrol, mortar ect ect by just 3 things:(<ZONE NUMBER> be replaced by the zone you want it active in). Example : (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["1", "MOVE"], false]; (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["<ZONE NUMBER>", "MOVE"], false]; -> Agressive. (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["<ZONE NUMBER>", "NOFOLLOW"], false]; -> Defensive (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["<ZONE NUMBER>", "FORTIFY"], false]; -> Fortify // Cache units by putting this: (group this) setVariable ["mcc_gaia_cache",true, true]; // Make units respawn by this: // replace <number by the number of times you want it to respawn>. Units will respawn on the location you initialy place it. (group this) setVariable ["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",<number>, true]; Q & A I own MCC. Do I need this template if i want to make missions in the BIS editor? Awesome. No, you dont. You can just create a new mission and use the commands learned in this template straight away. No need for this template. Just be advised. When you go checkout this tempalte run without MCC and as soon as you want to make your own mission go run with MCC. GAIA is integrated in MCC and for that you dont need this template (gaia is integrated in mcc). Missions you make will automaticly benefit from GAIA updates when you update MCC. I dont own MCC. Can i really? Does it work? That is horrible news. You should get it. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3 Yes you can. It will work, that is why i made this template. But you will not benefit (automaticly) in your missions from gaia updates. All that settings in the initialization are awesome but i want to dynamicly change that by triggers/scripting/what ever. Can I? Yes you can change the settings at any time. Add caching. Disable it (set false). Go give them a new zone. Move the zone around. GAIA doesnt care. Put respawn number higher. What ever. Use the "<group> setvariable" for that. So can you show me just in a lazy way the functionality of gaia? yes i made some video's. You will notice I use the MCC GUI there but the functionality can be seen there. Have fun. I hope it is clear. Just fire away guys, as I notice my explanations get rather long :) Template And finaly, now you are done reading (really guys, read please before asking!). The file. There. Go unzip it. I hope it serves any of you guys the intended goal of making nice missions :)   http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26782     Demo mission I gues some action wont hurt. The mission is nothing much but it shows some stuff. Tour squad in a missirable defend position blah blah. Bluefor will come for the rescue, but till then... dive in.... To show where the units are i made use of show markers. Credits: AUTHOR : aeroson NAME : player_markers.sqf VERSION: 2.6 Singleplayer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56634804/CO6_Operation_GAIA.Altis.pbo Multiplayer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56634804/CO6_Operation_GAIA_mp.Altis.pbo