Hi xon2. Yours is a fair enough question and I suppose after 4+ years of writing this mod it's about time I answered it. Be aware though that my reasons only have to make sense to me! An auto updating steam TPW MODS would probably mean fewer headaches for those people who use it, but more headaches for the bloke who writes it.   1 - to misappropriate Mr Guinness, I find the steam forums to often be a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Someone released tpw mods on there without my consent recently, and in the few days it was up the comments decried it as a piece of shit for not being MP compatible enough, not being easily configurable enough, and being a cheat to boot (hud). Call me selfish, but I write this stuff for the buzz of making the SP game I want to play and for the occasional positive feedback that it's enhancing the SP game for others. The BIS forums are generally a pretty decent place and people are generally understanding of mod makers and their priorities. There are plenty of decent users on steam too, but there are plenty who aren't. The degree of rudeness and over entitlement on steam (particularly by some of the MP crowd) would probably permanently sap my will to code within a week and exacerbate the depression and anxiety that I unfortunately already have to deal with. Please, feel free to insert "harden up princess" comments :)   2 - while I could indeed use steam for downloading and updating the mod via some delta mechanism, I'm unsure that the hpp management would be so straightforward, since it needs to live separately from the mod location. Cue the "hard to configure piece of shit" comments. Perhaps someone else could enlighten me on this.   3 - Anyone who mods knows that their code is out there for people to see and use. I specifically encourage the use of my code with proper attribution, and by and large people on this forum honour that gentlemans agreement. I have little faith that the army of code and content appropriators on steam would.   Sorry if these answers aren't those you want to read.
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