Current plan is to tweak obvious problems till the point that standard skill markers behave similarly with previous implementation. 
As standard skill markers you can consider 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 skills (so lowest, medium, and highest). We measure reaction times, spotting times, accuracy, decision delays etc and try to get them close to what you seen before with similar values. That means that conversion table would not be necessary.     The big change is the curve of skill, we predict that with current code, actual reaction time, or accuracy would be linearly proportional with skill you've set. It means that you won't have to spend time tinkering with your settings for weeks, because you will get more what you actually set.     Thank you, unbalance will be serious. Also, expect bunch of tweaking commits following that change, and be not too attached to momentary effects you see. Anything might get tweaked as we go through it. 
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