Advance And Secure
Sector Control:
AAS based on CoolBox-SBS- [AAS Founder]'s version. Ported over from Arma 2 with a few changes.
Special thanks to CoolBox-SBS- , Kju, Cat Toaster, Norrin, Wormeaten, for their hard work on AAS Mod over the years. Also to Tonic [Virtual Ammobox System], Tophe, Xeno [scripts/Team Dialog], Dr Eyeball [Team status Dialog], Aeroson [save & Load/Dynamic Player Markers] Monsada (SMM) [uPSMON] and the rest.
Supporting Clans & Community:
German Ballerbude [GBB]
FrontLine Combat [FC]
Australian Arma Community [AUSARMA]
Australian Community of Gamers [AUSCOG]
Armed Global Warfare [AGW]
Base Camp Allstars [bCA]
Cerberus 5
More Info::
The Art of Advance and Secure
Known Issue(s)/Bug(s)::
As of 28/09/2013
#Error Undefined variable in expression: There may be some errors left popping up once some rare conditions are met. Especially UPSMON, pvp should be fine. The scripts still needs to be clean up. A WIP.
#When capn zones it may glitch abit when taking flag = :confused: I will see what i can do.WIP
AAS Naming:
Tiny [T] = 3-5 flags
Small = 6-8 flags
Medium [M] = 9-11 flags
Large [L] = 12-13 flags
Huge [H] = 14+ flags
Mission List:
-[AAS_H] Island Of Stratis "All Out War"
-[AAS_M] AirBase to Marina "Ground Infantry AAS"
-[AAS_L] Over The Mountains "Sea to Land AAS"
-[AAS_M] LittleBird Insertion "Ground AAS"
-[AAS_T] Coastal Fight "Sea to Land AAS"
-[AAS_S] In The Woods "Ground Infantry AAS"
-[AAS_S] AirBase "Ground Infantry AAS"
-[AAS_T] Marina Bay "Diving AAS"
-[AAS_S] Camp Maxwell "Ground Infantry AAS"
-[AAS_L] Separate Paths "Split base AAS"
-[AAS_T] This is Sparta "Sea to land AAS"
-[AAS_S] Kill Farm To Camp Rogain "Ground infantry AAS"
- [AAS_T]Kamino "Ground infantry AAS"
- [AAS_T]KavalaFight "CQB in Altis town of Kavala"
Selectable Rules :
GBB Rules:
RULES_ruleSetName = "German Ballerbude";// Name of the rules set
RULES_allowDamageToAmmoCrates = false;//Damage to ammo crates
RULES_canCustomiseLoadout = false; //Can customise their loadout via Tonic's VAS
RULES_customClassCanRevive = true;//Custom class can revive team mates
RULES_everyoneCanRevive = true;//Anyone can revive
RULES_armouryUseRange = 5;//Distance before ammobox option appears
RULES_classChangeDelay = 30;//Time limit on a Team or Class\weapons before the next change
RULES_defaultTagDisplayRange = 1000; // range at which green player tags disppear (too far away to show)
RULES_maxTagDisplayRange = 1000; // range at which tag distance selector loops round back to zero
RULES_hudMaxLevel = 2; // the best available hud display level (0 = minimal, 1 = no minimap, 2 = full)
RULES_captureRadius = 7; //the radius of the flag that you need to get within to capture fully decamped base
RULES_captureSpeedFactor = 1; //the capture speed factor multiplier (1=normal speed, 2=double speed, 0.5=half speed etc...)
RULES_enableProportionalCaptureSpeed = true; // enable changing of capture speed depending on player numbers
RULES_captureSpeedMinCapacity = 2; // maximum rate of capture (when there is one player in server)
RULES_captureSpeedMaxCapacity = 0.25; // minimum rate of capture (when server is full)
RULES_baseQueueInterval = 10; // how long you have to wait between each player spawning (strongly recommend not to change this)
RULES_minSpawnDelay = 15; // minimum time you must wait, regardless of there being a queue
RULES_spawnArmourDuration = 20; // how long does spawn armour last
RULES_spawncampRadius = 150 ; // defines the allowed range to walk within enemy base without punishment
RULES_spawncampMinLifespan = 20 ; // minimum lifespan under which assumed spawncamper has killed you
RULES_spawncampRandomiseBound = 50 ; // X or Y dist from flag to be relocated (maximum) if randomised spawning used
RULES_spawncampProtectDefault = 1 ; // by default anti-spawncamp protection is on
RULES_overrideVehicleSpawnTimes = true; // determines whether or not we should use rule settings for vehicle respawn
RULES_abandonedVehicleTimeLimit = 120; // determines how long a vehicle must be left before considered abandoned
RULES_vehicleRespawnDelay = 120; // how long should a vehicle take to respawn once destroyed or abandoned
RULES_tankRespawnDelay = 300; // how long should a tank take to respawn
RULES_chopperRespawnDelay = 240; // how long should a chopper take to respawn
RULES_planeRespawnDelay = 300; // how long should a plane take to respawn
RULES_points = 1 ; // points won per time period in an attacking zone
RULES_pointsDefzonePerPeriod = 1 ; // points won per time period in a defending zone
RULES_secondsDefzoneToScore = 60 ; // time period for defending zone
RULES_secondsAttzoneToScore = 30 ; // time period for attacking zone
RULES_reviveScore = 1 ; // points you get for reviving divided by 3 (so if reviveScore=1 you get 3 points probably)
RULES_medicHealAmount = 0.2 ; // the amount of damage (on a scale of 0--1) that the medic heals you by randomly when in proximity
RULES_medicHealRange = 5 ; // range within which medic automatically heals injured players
RULES_nearbyMedicDistance = 250 ; // range within which nearby medics are visible on respawn screen
RULES_canHealAtArmoury = false; // sets whether you can heal yourself to 100% at the armoury or not
RULES_guiBaseDisplayed = false; //Turn GUI BASE display (ie.1 v 2) ON/OFF
Public Rules:
RULES_ruleSetName = "Public";// Name of the rules set
RULES_allowDamageToAmmoCrates = false; //Damage to ammo crates
RULES_canCustomiseLoadout = false; //Can customise their loadout via Tonic's VAS
RULES_customClassCanRevive = false; //Can custom class can revive team mates
RULES_everyoneCanRevive = false;//Anyone can revive
RULES_armouryUseRange = 10;//Distance before ammobox option appears
RULES_classChangeDelay = 100; //Time limit on a Team or Class\weapons before the next change
RULES_defaultTagDisplayRange = 1000; // range at which green player tags disppear (too far away to show)
RULES_maxTagDisplayRange = 1000; // range at which tag distance selector loops round back to zero
RULES_hudMaxLevel = 2; // the best available hud display level (0 = minimal, 1 = no minimap, 2 = full)
RULES_captureRadius = 15; //the radius of the flag that you need to get within to capture fully decamped base
RULES_captureSpeedFactor = 1; //the capture speed factor multiplier (1=normal speed, 2=double speed, 0.5=half speed etc...)
RULES_enableProportionalCaptureSpeed = true; // enable changing of capture speed depending on player numbers
RULES_captureSpeedMinCapacity = 2; // maximum rate of capture (when there is one player in server)
RULES_captureSpeedMaxCapacity = 0.25; // minimum rate of capture (when server is full)
RULES_baseQueueInterval = 10; // how long you have to wait between each player spawning (strongly recommend not to change this)
RULES_minSpawnDelay = 20; // minimum time you must wait, regardless of there being a queue
RULES_spawnArmourDuration = 10; // how long does spawn armour last
RULES_spawncampRadius = 150 ; // defines the allowed range to walk within enemy base without punishment
RULES_spawncampMinLifespan = 20 ; // minimum lifespan under which assumed spawncamper has killed you
RULES_spawncampRandomiseBound = 50 ; // X or Y dist from flag to be relocated (maximum) if randomised spawning used
RULES_spawncampProtectDefault = 1 ; // by default anti-spawncamp protection is on
RULES_overrideVehicleSpawnTimes = true; // determines whether or not we should use rule settings for vehicle respawn
RULES_abandonedVehicleTimeLimit = 120; // determines how long a vehicle must be left before considered abandoned
RULES_vehicleRespawnDelay = 120; // how long should a vehicle take to respawn once destroyed or abandoned
RULES_tankRespawnDelay = 300; // how long should a tank take to respawn
RULES_chopperRespawnDelay = 240; // how long should a chopper take to respawn
RULES_planeRespawnDelay = 300; // how long should a plane take to respawn
RULES_points = 1 ; // points won per time period in an attacking zone
RULES_pointsDefzonePerPeriod = 1 ; // points won per time period in a defending zone
RULES_secondsDefzoneToScore = 60 ; // time period for defending zone
RULES_secondsAttzoneToScore = 30 ; // time period for attacking zone
RULES_reviveScore = 1 ; // points you get for reviving divided by 3 (so if reviveScore=1 you get 3 points probably)
RULES_medicHealAmount = 0.1 ; // the amount of damage (on a scale of 0--1) that the medic heals you by randomly when in proximity
RULES_medicHealRange = 10 ; // range within which medic automatically heals injured players
RULES_nearbyMedicDistance = 350 ; // range within which nearby medics are visible on respawn screen
RULES_canHealAtArmoury = false; // sets whether you can heal yourself to 100% at the armoury or not
RULES_guiBaseDisplayed = false; //Turn GUI BASE display ON/OFF (ie. 1 v 2)
AusArma Rules: (default rules in parameters)
RULES_ruleSetName = "AUSARMA";// Name of the rules set
RULES_allowDamageToAmmoCrates = false; //Damage to ammo crates
RULES_canCustomiseLoadout = true; //Can customise their loadout via Tonic's VAS
RULES_customClassCanRevive = true; //Can custom class can revive team mates
RULES_everyoneCanRevive = true;//Anyone can revive
RULES_armouryUseRange = 10;//Distance before ammobox option appears
RULES_classChangeDelay = 35;//Time limit on a Team or Class\weapons before the next change
RULES_defaultTagDisplayRange = 500; // range at which green player tags disppear (too far away to show)
RULES_maxTagDisplayRange = 1000; // range at which tag distance selector loops round back to zero
RULES_hudMaxLevel = 2; // the best available hud display level (0 = minimal, 1 = no minimap, 2 = full)
RULES_captureRadius = 10; //the radius of the flag that you need to get within to capture fully decamped base
RULES_captureSpeedFactor = 1; //the capture speed factor multiplier (1=normal speed, 2=double speed, 0.5=half speed etc...)
RULES_enableProportionalCaptureSpeed = true; // enable changing of capture speed depending on player numbers
RULES_captureSpeedMinCapacity = 2; // maximum rate of capture (when there is one player in server)
RULES_captureSpeedMaxCapacity = 0.25; // minimum rate of capture (when server is full)
RULES_baseQueueInterval = 10; // how long you have to wait between each player spawning (strongly recommend not to change this)
RULES_spawnArmourDuration = 3; // how long does spawn armour last
RULES_spawncampRadius = 150 ; // defines the allowed range to walk within enemy base without punishment
RULES_spawncampMinLifespan = 20 ; // minimum lifespan under which assumed spawncamper has killed you
RULES_spawncampRandomiseBound = 30 ; // X or Y dist from flag to be relocated (maximum) if randomised spawning used
RULES_spawncampProtectDefault = 1 ; // by default anti-spawncamp protection is on
RULES_overrideVehicleSpawnTimes = true; // determines whether or not we should use rule settings for vehicle respawn
RULES_abandonedVehicleTimeLimit = 30; // determines how long a vehicle must be left before considered abandoned
RULES_vehicleRespawnDelay = 30; // how long should a vehicle take to respawn once destroyed or abandoned
RULES_tankRespawnDelay = 120; // how long should a tank take to respawn
RULES_chopperRespawnDelay = 60; // how long should a chopper take to respawn
RULES_planeRespawnDelay = 100; // how long should a plane take to respawn
RULES_points = 1 ; // points won per time period in an attacking zone
RULES_pointsDefzonePerPeriod = 1 ; // points won per time period in a defending zone
RULES_secondsDefzoneToScore = 60 ; // time period for defending zone
RULES_secondsAttzoneToScore = 30 ; // time period for attacking zone
RULES_medicHealAmount = 0.1 ; // the amount of damage (on a scale of 0--1) that the medic heals you by randomly when in proximity
RULES_medicHealRange = 30 ; // range within which medic automatically heals injured players
RULES_nearbyMedicDistance = 250 ; // range within which nearby medics are visible on respawn screen
RULES_canHealAtArmoury = true; // sets whether you can heal yourself to 100% at the armoury or not
RULES_guiBaseDisplayed = false; //Turn GUI BASE display ON/OFF (ie. 1 v 2)
Armaholic mirror:
- Advance And Secure Pack [v6.0]
Mediafire mirror:
-AAS Arma 3 Pack V6
-AAS Arma 3 Pack V5
-AAS Arma 3 Pack V4
-AAS Arma 3 Pack V3
Added: New intro. A3 style.
Added: New Class SAS. Has the ability to HALO,depending on map size it starts at X-ray @ 9000ft-16000ft and you have to use your skill to get into position or the right location. Land in at Sea and the player automatically changes to diving gear. Main focus is STEALTH. HALO feature maybe enabled in parameters (default: Enabled).
Changed: Class System have been edited to implement A3 Uniform/Headgear/Goggles/items etc.
Changed: Diver class has proper gear now. (diving suit).
Removed: Quick diving gear addAction and script removed
Changed: VAS updated.
Added: New Team Select system. Thanks to Xeno. You may Join AI group. If enable in parameters (default: Enabled).
Added/Changed: Group members can now Teleport or Parachute on Squad Leaders. Restrictions: Can not Teleport/Para near Zones, distance changeable via Clan rules, 100m from a squad leader and if there no more seats in a Squad Leader vehicle. If enable in parameters (default: teleport).
Removed: Dr Eyeball's Team Status Dialog. It always been my favorite team dialog, but finding it hard to maintain it.
Fixed: Undefined variables. Almost all have been ironed out.
Changed: UPSMON Edited/Updated. AI can now use Vehicles.
Removed: Death Marker.
Removed: AUSCOG rules removed.
Fixed: textures for vehicles in MP fixed.
Added: New Map [AAS_T]KavalaFight "CQB in Altis town of Kavala"
Added: Map player markers. Thanks to Aeroson's Dynamic Player Markers . AAS edited: see players with their chosen class on the map.
Changed:Capture Flags is now the proper textured pole flags.
Added: NEW Team Management System to promote team work - Team Status Dialog [Dr Eyeball's old Arma 1 dinosaur edited and ported to A3]***
1- Initial group Selection at start via Lobby. And you may change to a different group via Team Select at Ammo crates.
2- Team Leader selection
3- Statistical information on team/group Gear/status/rank/Current target/MP Score/Group name etc
4- Recruit/Remove AI with existing AI, ONLY if AI Support Mode and Recruit AI are enabled in Parameters. Disabled once PVP is initiated. [eg. AI Support Mode = Always off].
5-Recruit/invite or kick Human Players to/from your Group.
6-Spawn on Group leader via ammo crates. You may disable/enable this option at parameters. By parameter default its enabled only on medium-large-huge maps. You may also spawn on a AI Group Leader only if AI Support Mode is enabled. In future updates this will be limited. eg can't not spawn on group leader if enemy are nearby and/or can't not spawn on group leader if in cap zone.***
7-Vehicle: displays all groups in your occupied vehicle plus spare seats
8- If all group members are killed or leave with no surviving members, your group will disband/removed. Once you have res pawed you would have to choose another team/group to join.
Added: [AAS_T]Kamino[v5].Stratis mission
Added: Sniper Weapons added to Sniper Class
Added: Anti Hacking scripts
Added: GBB rule sets via parameters.
GBB Rules:
- Can Customise Loadout = Disabled
- Everyone Can Revive = Enabled
- Armoury Use Range = 5m
- Class Change Delay = 30secs
-Can Heal At Armoury = enabled
-Medic Heal Range = 5m
-Nearby Medic Distance = 250m
-GUI Display: reduced (no "1 v 2" for all maps)
Added: Format now Tiny [T] = 3-5 flags
Small [s] = 6-8 flags
Medium [M] = 9-11 flags
Large [L] = 12-13 flags
Huge [H] = 14+ flags
Changed: GUI Base Display Update now optional via rule set "Thanks Predator for the idea"***
Changed: AI Support Mode now default to On when <= 4 players [COOP maybe]. To the keep the 1-4 player busy while they wait for more players to initiated a full on PVP match.
Changed: AI now more challenging. Will enable them to use vehicles if available on a later update maybe????***
Changed: Virtual Ammobox System (VAS) updated to the latest 1.2 version ""Thanks Tonic"
Changed: All mission scripts striped down and compressed to increase load times
Removed: The old team select removed.
Fixed: UPSMON errors from setVehicleInit & processInitCommands and AI support not working.
Fixed: Missing Weapon classes [Fully working to Alpha update 0.60]
Fixed: Medic Markers now a circled black arrow
Added: Quick wetsuit Gear change {Adds wetsuit,Rebreather,Backpack} at vehicles and ammocrate ONLY on coastal and underwater maps.
Added: Vehicle textures
Changed: compileFinal script command implemented to all scripts
Removed: processInitCommands etc (vehicle spawn script reworked)
Added: Diver class [not the best still work to do :(] "Wetsuits & Rebreather added to Ammocrates access via inventory". Anyone can dive but the diver class is the only one that can shoot [sDAR] underwater and see clearly underwater [d_goggles] unless custom
Added: extra vehicles to huge [AAS100_H] maps
Added: CQB to define close proximity of bases.
Changed: ONLY All Small maps [AAS100_S] has GUI Base Display Update [ie. 1 v 0] REMOVED "Thanks Predator for the idea"
Removed: Version and the (total players x) notification at the lower left corner removed.
Fixed: GUI Base Display Update fixed ie. showing 1 v 0 not 1 v0 :rolleyes: "Thanks Predator for spotting that"
Fixed: Missing Weapon class [Fully working to Alpha update 0.55]
Fixed: Medic Markers not found. A3 medic marker used [0_medic marker]
Added: Base Shield. (most missions have this feature)
Added: Parameter to disable grass
Added: Ammocrate Save and Load custom gear
Added: Profile Save & Load Custom gear by [b]Tonic[/b] (some missions have this feature)
Added: Artillery spots added on Huge missions
Added: Vehicle Textures depending on Side
Added: Auto Assign players at lobby. Auto assigned to the side with least players.
Added: Virtual Ammobox for custom Gear by [b]Tonic[/b] (depending on rules selected)
Changed: Spawn Selector Dialog (dialog out of screen)
Changed: Disable size adjustment of map zoom level.
Fixed: Heal Thy Self Enabled (depending on rules selected)
Fixed: Font error messages
Fixed: Player markers
Fixed: Debriefing
Fixed: Onload Picture incorrect dimensions