Actual feedback based on playing around with stuff for a couple of hours last night:   MB 4WD jeep with SPG9 has some issues with aiming. The projectile doesn't seem to drop enough, so it will always overshoot the crosshair. Try positioning on a hill and firing at something below, say around 700m away (e.g. from the hill between Stratis Airbase and Agia Marina) Rhino's laser guided rockets, when fired without laser/lock in manual SACLOS mode, crash into the ground. Happens even on flat terrain (VR). Works fine in top-down mode. Rhino's ATGMs seem to miss a laser locked point by about a metre  or two. I had illuminated a Nyx with a darter, and launched a missile at it from a hill ~800m away. It would always land beyond the Nyx. Nyx had its side exposed to me. Carl Gustav Mk4 - maybe the optics could get markings for 300, 500, 700, etc? Similar to the Mk0. It's not impossible to hit these "odd" hundreds (i hit on my first try), but it's pretty risky. New launchers seem to have missing sounds and weapon sway, but I assume that's WIP. That's all I have for now.
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