Current Version: R-19 (04.11.2016)
Under GPL3 License
Mission Control Center or MCC in short is a powerful game mode, tool or mission (depends on how you want to play it) that let the ArmA player complete freedom as a mission maker.
With MCC you can build complected missions the way you wanted in few minutes and save them as a mission file or in your profile to share with friends.
MCC have a dynamic AI system that called GAIA that gives AI more human like tactics while they flank, support and use CAS or artillery.
MCC holds unique mission generator so if you can just push in some variables and MCC will generate a complete random mission set to your play-style and the amount of players and objectives needed.
MCC holds much more as unique: IED, CAS, Evac Helicopters aproch, air drops, 3D editor, persistence database for players levels and achievements and many many more.
About GAIA in MCC
GAIA stands for Greater Artificial Intelligence. Ever since I typed my first 2 lines of MCC code it has been going through my mind. What if the AI did…? Why isn’t this….? …..These and a zillion other questions have haunted me for too long. GAIA is my answer to most of these questions. So, now you know my personal motivation, let’s move on to the system itself. This document tries to focus on the intent of GAIA and the design decisions that have been made. I won't try to explain how all of the code works, but after reading this document you should have a clear understanding of what GAIA stands for, what choices she makes and how she operates.
GAIA can best be seen as a higher level lead organization that is tasked to make all groups work towards (a) common goal(s). GAIA does not improve and tries not to influence the behavior at group level.
So what is it that GAIA wants? The main goal of GAIA is to defend territory.
To do that she makes sure that:
• All assets are used intelligently. Know your units, what can they do, what are their weaknesses.
• Responses to threat are in proportion. Do not send more troops then needed, but also make sure it is enough to deal with the opposing threat.
• Understand the priorities. The closer a threat is to the center of the territory (zone), the higher the priority.
In future versions of GAIA goals will be expanded and might even grow to fully commanding offensive battles.
More about GAIA in MCC and how to use it:
It is best if you'll download and use IniDBi2 mod on the server for MCC role selection and to keep a persistance players Data Base.
MCC supports BIS Headless Client.
As mentioned above, its a Beta. We realize the product is not perfect, but with your help we will make it perfect. So dont be shy!
How do I use this?
Well once you'll start a mission, any mission you'll have mission generator action in the action menu. Just click it.
Tutorials to MCC 3 (a bit old but it including installation) by ConnorG
Large scale dynamic missions on Jester814 Youtube's channel
Download Link - MP/SP Mod version:
Download Link - MP Mission version - Altis:
Download Link - Template mission:
MCC YouTube Channel: