Happy to introduce you Blitzkrieg for Arma 3!
From small to large scale, both action packed and tactical battles with up to 32on32 players
in a dynamic environment that focus on teamplay and mission objectives!
The highlights:
Asymmetric A&D gameplay combined with AAS zone system
Ten classes to choose from (Thirteen later on) with different equipment and skills like:
Medic type classes with the ability to revive fallen or (area) heal wounded team mates
Or officer respawn, HALO jump, artillery strike, repair tires, flip cars, cut fences (WIP)
Custom spawn menu to select forward spawn or change class
Custom HUD to guide players
Tiny, small, normal, large and huge scale missions; Very diverse landscape and settings (daytime/weather/fog/viewdistance)
30+ missions available in total for Stratis - over 100 overall
Optional AI mode to get into first or as reinforcement with low player numbers
Highly configurable via mission parameters
Trailer (from A&S ProMode version)
Short introduction by AyOopLad with voice commentary
Short demo of AI Mode
To get a quick idea of the game mode basics, check out our A&S ProMode video channel.
# Download Blitzkrieg for A3 #
For reference: A&S ProMode (Advance And Secure) Game Mode thread