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About synnr

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. The simple solution is to update server.cfg from 1024 to steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 2048;
  2. So this is the top search result for this topic so I'll just put the solution here change server.cfg line from 1024 to this steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 2048;
  3. Should VCOM AI be picking up weapons. I have some running around without weapons but there are plenty of guns on bodies near by. They never seem to rearm.
  4. If you shoot the tire off a vehicle, then save it. When loading it will spawn with all 4 tires. A few years ago I had written a function that queried a vehicle (I think via getAllHitPointsDamage) and saved it in inidbi. I have since lost the code and haven't looked at it in a long time. I wanted to use oo_pdw instead of trying to re-write my old functions for saving vehicles..(lazy/busy)
  5. I resolved it as a conflict with one of the modules in a mod i am using. I have noticed that damage state isn't preserved in vehicles. Is that by design or a bug?
  6. I am using steam version currently. I tested inidbi2 is saving character data.
  7. I'm having trouble with the included sample mission and also the same sample code in a new mission. Data is being saved to my db.ini however the load function is not working. call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; sleep 2; _pdw = ["new", "inidbi"] call OO_PDW; ["setDbName", "FallenDB"] call _pdw; //hint "Save all objects"; //"saveObjects" call _pdw; //_loopSave = execvm "saveObjects.sqf"; //db exists already so don't save map objects: add an exists check here before saving hint "Delete all objects"; { if!(_x isKindOf "MAN") then { deletevehicle _x; }; }foreach (allMissionObjects "All"); sleep 2; _objects = "loadObjects" call _pdw; hint format ["Restore all objects %1", _objects]; sleep 60; while {true} do { hint "Save all objects"; "saveObjects" call _pdw; sleep 60; };
  8. synnr


    So I thought it was fixed but after multiple respawns it happens again. Spawn in the air...fall to death. then spawn in the water and drown. Both without randomized gear executing.
  9. synnr


    You were right, the respawn script was wrong
  10. synnr


    Returning to Arma 3 after a few years and I'm working on Ravage mission for co-op sandbox with friends. I could use some help. I cannot get random loadout working in multiplayer: 11:22:02 Error in expression <em\gear\gearpool.sqf"; }; _unit = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons _unit; remove> 11:22:02 Error position: <select 0; removeAllWeapons _unit; remove> 11:22:02 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 11:22:02 File \ravage\functions\main\fn_equip.sqf [RVG_fnc_equip]..., line 21
  11. Tried the demo mission and it deletes all objects and inventory but doesn't restore anything. I am using latest @inidbi2 and the mission on your github. Sample of RPT below. case ((_access >= 2) && {(_> 12:08:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 12:08:32 File D:\users\sinner\Documents\Arma 3\missions\oo_pdw.altis\oo_pdw.sqf, line 90 12:08:32 Error in expression <space getVariable [_class, {nil}])); if(_array isequalto []) exitwith {false}; > 12:08:32 Error position: <_array isequalto []) exitwith {false}; > 12:08:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _array 12:08:32 File D:\users\sinner\Documents\Arma 3\missions\oo_pdw.altis\oo_pdw.sqf, line 546 12:08:32 Error in expression <ariable [_class, {nil}])); _headgear = _array select 0; _goggles = _array selec> 12:08:32 Error position: <_array select 0; _goggles = _array selec> 12:08:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _array 12:08:32 File D:\users\sinner\Documents\Arma 3\missions\oo_pdw.altis\oo_pdw.sqf, line 550 12:08:39 "IniDBI: read failed data type parameter must be ARRAY SCALAR STRING BOOL" 12:08:39 Error in expression <y; };
  12. Which is the best most up to date version of MCC to use? mod or script?
  13. I am a big fan of MCC so far. I've started an unlimited campaign but it always fails after 15 missions and no new ones are assigned. Not sure what the issue is but being able to start a campaign from inside a mission would be nice. Is there a function for MCC to clean up dead units that it spawned? I haven't found anything Oh and everything seems to spawn above the ground and falls. This often results in Clear Area missions being instantly cleared as infantry fall to their deaths.
  14. I keep getting this "author\" error on MCC missions. I think it has to do with this change in cfgPatches The problem is this: Pre 1.60 addons could be tagged in their cfgPatches section with an array of names in the author section: e.g author[] = {"author1","author2"}; However, in the 1.60 patch, for whatever reason, BI changed it from an array to string, so now it must be coded like this: author = "Author1, Author2"; Addons (and missions) that still have the previous (array) method are throwing errors. The configs (and/or mission.sqm/description.exts) need to be updated to the new string format.
  15. synnr

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I have dynamically generated units with triggers on Exile and the preplaced settings for roaming, throwing and jumping all work. I used the gamelogic spawners previously but quickly ran out of groups during multiplayer games in Exile. I have not tried a large amount of module spawners, but thats because zombies spawned by trigger work fine with the settings modules. In fact last night in the military base by Telos a team of players took shelter inside the dome because the horde was overwhelming them. The zombies were jumping on top of the dome then raining down inside, as well as throwing cars. Eventually a fuel truck exploded, collapsing the dome and killing everyone inside....it was epic.