A flare/chemlight booster. 😄 If someday gets dark you definitely wants to check it out. Looks very cool 😄   usage:
place scripts directory in your mission root directory
add lines in:   init.sqf if (hasInterface) then { chemlight_brg = 0.3; //Brightness of the chemlights flare_brg = 2.5; //Brightness of flares 0 = [] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\dazzle_the_darkness\dazzle_the_darkness.sqf"; };       scripts overwiev: dazzle_the_darkness /* by DaVidoSS dazzle_the_darkness Adds firedMan EH usage: place scripts directory in your mission root directory add lines in: init.sqf if (hasInterface) then { chemlight_brg = 0.3; //Brightness of the chemlights flare_brg = 2.5; //Brightness of flares 0 = [] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\dazzle_the_darkness\dazzle_the_darkness.sqf"; }; */ if (hasInterface) then { fn_setLight = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\dazzle_the_darkness\functions\setLight.sqf"; fn_upgradeLight = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\dazzle_the_darkness\functions\upgradeLight.sqf"; player addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; private _lightSources = [ toLower "F_40mm_White", toLower "F_40mm_Red", toLower "F_40mm_Yellow", toLower "F_40mm_Green", toLower "Chemlight_green", toLower "Chemlight_red", toLower "Chemlight_blue", toLower "Chemlight_yellow" ]; if ((toLower (typeOf _projectile)) in _lightSources) then { 0 = [_projectile] spawn fn_upgradeLight; }; }]; };   fn_setLight /* by DaVidoSS fn_setLight Set of adjustments to the light according to the parameters passed param: 0 - object , lightpoint 1 - nummber, lightpoint size 2 - nummber, light intensity 3 - array, color returns - void */ params [["_light",objNull,[objNull]], ["_flareSize",300,[0]], ["_flareBrightness",0.2,[0]], ["_flareColor",[1,1,1],[[]]]]; if (isNull _light) exitWith {}; _light setLightFlareSize _flareSize; _light setLightBrightness _flareBrightness; _light setLightColor _flareColor; _light setLightAmbient _flareColor;   fn_upgradeLight /* by DaVidoSS fn_upgradeLight Detecting projectile type and customize its parameters param: 0 - object , projectile returns - void */ params [["_flare",objNull,[objNull]]]; if (isNull _flare) exitWith {}; private _lightAmmo = [ [toLower "Chemlight_green",300,chemlight_brg,[0,1,0]], [toLower "Chemlight_red",300,chemlight_brg,[1,0,0]], [toLower "Chemlight_blue",300,chemlight_brg,[0,0,1]], [toLower "Chemlight_yellow",300,chemlight_brg,[1,1,0]], [toLower "F_40mm_White",1000,flare_brg,[1,1,1]], [toLower "F_40mm_Red",1000,flare_brg,[1,0,0]], [toLower "F_40mm_Yellow",1000,flare_brg,[1,1,0]], [toLower "F_40mm_Green",1000,flare_brg,[0,1,0]] ]; private _getidx = ([_lightAmmo , toLower (typeOf _flare)] call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement) # 0; private _size = _lightAmmo # _getidx # 1; private _brth = _lightAmmo # _getidx # 2; private _color = _lightAmmo # _getidx # 3; private _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (position _flare); 0 = [_light, [_flare, [0,0,0]]] remoteExecCall ["lightAttachObject", [0,-2] select isDedicated, _light]; 0 = [_light, _size, _brth, _color] remoteExecCall ["fn_setLight", [0,-2] select isDedicated, _light]; 0 = [_flare,_light] spawn { params [["_flare",objNull,[objNull]],["_light",objNull,[objNull]]]; waitUntil {sleep 1; isNull _flare}; deleteVehicle _light; };   Dazzle_the_darkness