Well I finally put together a list of issues that I've run across over the past. Some are really quite petty while others are important to one degree or another, at least for me. I've also seen topics and discussions on a few, scattered around the web, but just the same I thought it might be somewhat productive to list them here. I am sure their are many more so feel free to PM me and I will add them. This list is now a few months old so some issues may have been address or may be obsolete for one reason or another so, copy/paste from Word,...here goes...
1) Map:
a)... Once the non-painted tab has been selected on the map, keep this option active when reloading a saved game. The map always reverts to the default painted version.
b)... To move a waypoint, I have to zoom in very close in order to be able to grab it. In th eheat of battle this can take a long time, especially when the map reverts to a common default possition.
2) Rocks: Enable all rocks to have proper collision support so that no rocks can be penetrated. example: coordinates = 233138 (Walking through).
http://<a href="http://s1152.photobucket.com/user/chik1978/media/Arma/Arma%20Issues_Bugs/Lamp%20Light.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p492/chik1978/Arma/Arma%20Issues_Bugs/Lamp%20Light.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Lamp Light.jpg"/></a>
24) Glitches: Falling off balconies or any other object that has a railing. i.e: stairs, porch rails, fences, Usually it happens when you try to turn around you end up ghosting through or hanging in mid-air.
25) Injury/death: This is truly in dire need of attention. the following clip pretty much says it all. The reaction by AI to being hit is really in need of being completely reworked.
26) Tank or Armoured: Seems the flare decal returns on game resume/respawn. I was doing some double checking recently and noticed that the flare would be gone at certain time but then stuck around at other times. I don't know what I could be doing to make it change. If I stumble on it, I'll chime in.
27) Grenades/windows: First, when I toss a G' into a storefront the window does not break. Secondly, when the G' does go off, the windows don't always break. I would assume that no window in that particular building wouldn't stand a chance. Thirdly, If a G' explodes and the windows shatter, I would also think that the glass would be flung far in to the street. Instead it just sort trickles to the ground. Every explosion is different but generally speaking. Fourthly, sort of related, If I throw a smoke into an upstairs window, the G' goes clear through the building,...often.
28) Character Sounds: OMG, That silly labored breathing when you get injured is just awful, yes/no? I much prefer the old groaning and moaning. Here is what I suggest. Record a list of mixed voice sounds, post them in the forum and let the community vote them an a 1-10 scale. Even better, ask the community for contributions as well.
29) Tank Stuff:
a)...Is it possible to stop an idling tank from drifting?
b)...Tanks can knock over a fairly large tree but some telephone pole stop it dead.
c)...A support squad on foot is accompanied by a tank on patrol and stops. Then the order is given to move but the tank decides to flail wildly killing some of the friendly AI. After experiencing the game for a longer period of time I realize that this may unavoidable at times because of collisions with other objects.
30) AI: I wasn't going to start something with AI because the list seems endless with needed improvements but I will insert a topic to get started.
a) ...the current flinching is terrible. 6 x 7.62x39 to the torso at 500 meters, and all the AI does is little flinch and then returns fire immediately. Only died after the 6th hit.
b)...when a grenade explodes nearby with enough force to knock a soldier to the ground, he should not be able to simply plug a syringe into his leg and jump up to continue along his way. I have also lobbed as many as three into a building while the enemy remains alive!
c) ... When unarmed, (weapons stowed away), and you are moving forward, then stop, often times, not always, you belly flop to prone. I do use Em, but have tested this with and without this mod, with the same random sesults This has been addressed.
31) Arma v160: I want to make a few points on this update because I think BI has merged two completely unrelated issues into one. On this update it feels like we are being forced to look at something we may or may not like. Everyone has a preference and I rarely ever hear anyone complain about what Arma looked like pre-158. In fact, I personally can't see how BI could have gotten it any more perfect, terrain wise. The new VU does improve the water and skies but the terrain, objects, and night environment have failed, at least for now.
a) modify the 160 update to include only the fixes, tweaks, and addons that pertain to the game logic only.
b)..exclude the visual "upgrade" from the 160 update.
c)...continue to develop the visual update (VU) but release it as an optional patch only. Or, insert that option in the UI as choice. Also, allow users to maka the choice whether or not to implement the VU and in addition, do not allow the version of the game to change so that players can still have the range of servers to choose from.
32) Exploding Vehicles Effects): It might be cool to see a tire fly off in one direction and a seat or even a body fly of in another direction and burn/smoke for a period of time,...the parts as I know the vehicles burn, just to be clear.
33) pickables & throwables: Is the Arma engine capable of allowing objects such as rocks, soda cans, or other similar items to be thrown? Secondly, if this is possible, could AI be scripted to be distracted by such actions?
34) Weapons: My weapon is set to full auto. (example=Katiba) I switch to binoculars, then switch back to weapon. Now my Katiba is set to single shot. Weapon setting should remain as set.
35) Water: I think the water should be darker (blacker?) during the late evening hours. (I'm still on Arma v158 so this issue might have been addressed in the 160 visual update)