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What is DCG?
Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios by supplying a collection of easy to use, modular addons. DCG's addons are highly customizable and allow creators to populate their missions with ease. 
What's Included in DCG?
  • Modularity
  • Save/load functionality
  • Occupied cities with patrolling and garrisoned enemies
  • Scaling enemy strength
  • Dynamically spawned patrols
  • Enemy static emplacements and sniper teams
  • Populated cities
  • Civilian interaction
  • Roadside IEDs
  • Dynamically spawned civilian traffic
  • Hostile civilians
  • Terrain based animal spawns
  • Approval system
  • FOB construction system
  • Transportation system
  • Dynamic weather
  • Unit caching
  • Headless client support
  • ACE3 support
  • ACRE2 support
  • TFAR support
  • Coop mission template
How Do I Use DCG?
The latest version of Community Based Addons is required on the server and client.
Server Setup
  • Extract the DCG and CBA zip files to the server's Arma 3 folder
  • After extracting the files, @dcg and @cba_a3 should exist in the server's Arma 3 directory
  • To configure a mission for DCG, take a quick look at Setting up a DCG compatible mission
  • If you wish to customize DCG's settings, check out the Settings Framework


Can I Contribute to DCG?
Dynamic Combat Generator is open source and hosted on Github. Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Teamwork makes the dream work!
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Glad to see this wonderful piece of work is about to see the light of day.

Thanks for your dedication. 

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  • After extracting the files, @dcg, @cba_a3 and the userconfig folder should exist in the server's Arma 3 directory


This @ folder are not included on Github.

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This @ folder are not included on Github.


Just rename the folder 'DCG-master' to @DCG after downloading

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This @ folder are not included on Github.

I haven't officially released this, so you'll encounter bugs and some features are unfinished. The folder structure will be correct when a stable build is ready. 

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Thank you for the information!



Will they integrate VcomAi?

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I believe Vcom has an addon version, so you should be able to run that alongside DCG or incorporate the script version into whatever mission you're working on.

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Of course you're gonna include a premade mission that makes use of all of that right? :)


Do you have a list of the current random objectives so far (really loved those, and currently a lot of them arent working/spawning anymore like bomb defusal) and are there plans to add more (eg. convoy ambush,  assassinate covert hostile civilian from crowd) ?


Will make you the objective completion rewards (it rewards you approval right?) also editable so people can add stuff. I really wanna use Hoverguy's weapon/vehicle shop with this so players can also be rewarded money.




Cant wait :). I like that it's server-side. Cant really use mission enhancing mods like Spyder's addons because i dont want to add to the mod requirements bloat for our server.

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I've uploaded a pre-release build of the project for anyone that wants to test it. You can download it from the Github repo or use this link.

Of course you're gonna include a premade mission that makes use of all of that right? :)


Do you have a list of the current random objectives so far (really loved those, and currently a lot of them arent working/spawning anymore like bomb defusal) and are there plans to add more (eg. convoy ambush,  assassinate covert hostile civilian from crowd) ?


Will make you the objective completion rewards (it rewards you approval right?) also editable so people can add stuff. I really wanna use Hoverguy's weapon/vehicle shop with this so players can also be rewarded money.




Cant wait :). I like that it's server-side. Cant really use mission enhancing mods like Spyder's addons because i dont want to add to the mod requirements bloat for our server.


Yep, I'll still maintain a mission that uses DCG.
The task and approval addons are what I'm working on at the moment, so I don't have a solid list. But, the tasks as well as other actions will award approval, so you should be able to do all sorts of things based on the approval variable. You'll also be able to import your own primary and secondary tasks into DCG's system, so you could do some cool scripting with that :). 


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Do we have a server key yet or are we still working on that, because i cant join my server without it because the clientside mod depends on it.

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do you plan on making it so its placeable modules?

I'm not sure if this is possible with a serverside mod. I'm looking into it, but it won't make it into the first release.


Do we have a server key yet or are we still working on that, because i cant join my server without it because the clientside mod depends on it.

There is no clientside component to DCG. It should only run on the server, so you shouldn't need a key if I'm not mistaken.

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d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found

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d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found

Make sure this is the download you're running.


Also, report further issues here.

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d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found

That happened to me as well when Senseii asked me to test the download link and try launching it. I unchecked all my mods and forgot to check @dcg, so while the mission launched in the mission browser, once I got to the map I received that error and crashed. So make sure you are using the mod itself as well as make sure everything is where it ought to be like the userconfig and whatnot. Because it's definitely not DCG, but something wasn't launched/loaded that it needs. :)

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Cleared an occupied city but the task didnt complete. Used the cancel primary task, but it didnt do anything. The liberate town and kill enemy officer objectives worked tho, Although new one did not pop up.


Called a transport and set the extraction and insertion points. Heli came. Jumped in. but the heli didnt go anywhere. Eventually it will dump you and disappear.

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Cleared an occupied city but the task didnt complete. Used the cancel primary task, but it didnt do anything. The liberate town and kill enemy officer objectives worked tho, Although new one did not pop up.


Called a transport and set the extraction and insertion points. Heli came. Jumped in. but the heli didnt go anywhere. Eventually it will dump you and disappear.

  • The occupied locations are part of the occupy addon, not the task addon, so the cancel task action won't work on those. I'll make that more apparent.
  • It's weird that liberating a town worked for you, but not a city. My guess is there was a garrisoned unit hiding somewhere. Locations aren't considered clear until all the units in the area die or they surrender by having a lower score than the players in the area. If you were testing this alone then your score will be lower than the enemy's until there's only one unit left, unless you're using a vehicle.  
  • Occupied locations and tasks have a cooldown, so maybe you didn't wait long enough. You can set these values in the userconfig.
  • For the transport addon, the heli won't take off until a player enter's the copilot seat. The advantage of this method is that even if the transport requester dies while the heli is enroute, the other player's can continue on the route set by the requester.


All of this will be explained in more detail on the wiki pretty soon.

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SENSEII would it be possible for you to move the unitpool into the mission files again instead of the dcg serverconfig? It was good the way it was before where you just edit the fn_handlerUnitpool script. This way you could customize enemies PER mission instead of per map, so you werent stuck fighting the same EAST or INDEPENDENT on a given map. Like with 3.0.9 i had a DCGAfghanrebels.takistan, DCGISTS.takistan, DCGTaliban.takistan, DCGRHS.takistan,  DCGNVA.Dakrong, DCGVietcong.Dakrong, etc..

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SENSEII would it be possible for you to move the unitpool into the mission files again instead of the dcg serverconfig? It was good the way it was before where you just edit the fn_handlerUnitpool script. This way you could customize enemies PER mission instead of per map, so you werent stuck fighting the same EAST or INDEPENDENT on a given map. Like with 3.0.9 i had a DCGAfghanrebels.takistan, DCGISTS.takistan, DCGTaliban.takistan, DCGRHS.takistan,  DCGNVA.Dakrong, DCGVietcong.Dakrong, etc..

With the latest changes to filePatching, the old method isn't viable anymore. But, I am working on a way to customize per mission. 


EDIT: https://github.com/nicholasclark-artist/DCG/issues/18

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Got a version running on oure server...



Just want to ask.. what script is running enemy?? Mutch better than @asr_ai3!!

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So if I understand this right...all I need to do is set up a base with a marker that is dcg_base or do I need to use everything from the mission dcg_west.altis in order for this to work?

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