Well after all these years, I finally finished this amazing mission. And incredibly by myself (with bots acting as distractions)!
I reinstalled Operation Flashpoint Game of the Year Edition, and patched it from 1.85 to 1.91 to the final one 1.96. And after realizing I had deleted the volcano.zip out of my usb drives for some reason in the past, I had to reseach for it after hitting quite a few roadblocks in FUBAR'ed websites. And luckily found it here, good 'ol OFPEC:
SPOILER WARNING: Do not read any further if you want to be surprised.
It really is an amazing mission from start to finish. here's a view of the start of the map:
You start out as a Black Op with an MP5SD armed with worthless 9mm bullets and a satchel charge. Your original and only mission was to take out an enemy roadblock so that the Armed Forces could roll thru and take out the rest of the enemy across the Eastern side of the island.
Well that didn't happen, because the Volcano erupts causing a thick ashy fog to incase the entire island while a light thunderstorm is already over the island. Not a good mix. It's 6 hours since the eruption while you and your Spec Ops team (supposed to have 5 other soldiers but I was alone on the LAN, lol) took cover.
You head up to the roadblock to find 5 dead enemy bodies with their weapons intact.
Yay! Mission accomplished! You can go home....NOT! Turns out the Volcano knocked out long range communications so your best bet is return to your home base as that's what your training has taught you but along the way you need to see if anyone needs any help in the city of Vladis. You find a beaten up bus and a bloody M60 machine gunner who follows you on your journey but is killed by the living dead on your way out of town (at least, he couldn't keep up with me, even after I told him not to engage and not to fire, he got torn apart anyway).
Eventually you make it back to your base only to find dead bodies everywhere and a lone medic who comes with you on your 5 ton open air truck ride (that has been beaten almost to junk and is low on fuel) while Zombies begin to enter the base thru the only entrance. You go back the way you came to see those things feasting upon the Machine Gunner while others follow after you.
You pass by the enemy roadblock again and make your way to the first comm link. There are fallen trees and broken vehicles here and there, but you are focused on hotwiring the radio to work. While you do that, those things start pouring out the forest around you, attacking my medic in the truck. The circuits are fried from the eruption so it's time to get out of Dodge and head to Comm Link 2. At this point the 5 ton Truck is on fumes, luckily there's a fuel truck at the home support base on the way to the second comm link.
At the second comm link, there's plenty of vehicles around with some gas but the 5 ton truck is a better choice since it's got a full tank now. Hotwiring this one takes a little longer but it's jacked up to, and at this point the Zombies are so distracted by my medic that they rip him out of the truck while I continue hotwiring. There's nothing I can do for the medic now, he no longer has to experience this hell, so his troubles are over.
After ruling comms out as a way to get help, there's the idea that perhaps the Resistance soldiers on the island may be of some help. Unfortunately, their base of ops is unknown and it's going to take some time to find it...on foot.
[if you want to know where the base is I can post it but, it makes it more tense because here you are running around and the walking dead are coming after you at the same time and it makes for great suspense in finding the Resistance quickly.]
After finding their base, you find out they're been attacked too, but there 2 or 3 troops left, one was a cop I think (I couldn't tell, lots of shooting and things going on). Unfortunately they got lost in the trees on the way back to the truck and eaten alive. Fortunately, right before the Zombies got to the camp, they suggested we head to the Chopper base to get the hell outta here.
[3 years ago, me, my friends Dave, Robert, Geoff, and our German friend Ritchie had made it only to this point before we got overtaken. If I remember correctly... Geoff had fallen out of the truck while on the way to the first comm link, lol, Robert had gotten his legs torn apart at the second Comm link while Ritchie searched for another car that had fuel (we hadn't noticed the fuel truck) and he found one but when he was driving back to pick some of us up he ran over "no legs" Robert, and crashed into a wall killing himself (just like in the movies!). Leaving Dave and I to find the Resistance base, and because so much was going on when we were trying to find them we didn't read the subtitle that told us to go to the Chopper Base after we finally met them, we both tried to stand and fight (the 5 ton truck had run out of fuel a little before the Ressitance Base search since we tried to cut across the hills and valleys from the home support base, again missing the fuel truck, lol, instead of taking the coastal road), but we got separated and Dave and I both died before realizing we should've gone to the chopper base after finding the Resistance. We flew over there as birds though.]
On my own again from Comm link 2, I went to the Frontline Support base and found a repair truck and got out of there before I was pulled from the truck like the medic had been (of course you can't get pulled from the vehicle in Flashpoint but that's my narrative, actually the medic's dead corpse was next to me in the front seat of the truck in the middle...creepy!). Now fully repaired and mostly fueled, my changes of survival were increasing as I made my way to the Chopper Base.
Once there, the Chinook, Apache were all FUBARed, meaning I had a SNAFU moment at this point, and as the Zombies began to pour in, I got back in the truck and headed toward the Harbor into enemy occupied territory, but I had no choice. Perhaps, that part of the island was untouched by this madness...right?...wrong...
As I began the long drive to the far east of the island, I ran over a few Zombies trying to play chicken with a truck. The Military base at grid G2 near hill 155 was a cluster cuss of vehicles and bodies everywhere but represented a death trap to say the least by taking a truck thru it. Luckily I avoided the whole mess (I had an slightly used M60 LMG I got from some soldier near the Home Support Base and had used it in a futile attempt to cover the restreat of the Resistance troops) and continued toward the Harbor, hitting more the dead playing chicken on the road.
Once I entered the Harbor, there were Russian bodies everywhere and a lone Sniper dressed a bush that wanted to get the hell out of this nightmare. Now standing between us and the boats was a single Zombie female in a bright pink dress, my M60 light machine gun took her down but I had to reload a clip, and the Sniper spotted movement behind us and ignored my request to board the ship and told me to save myself (seeing as how his legs were broken from the living dead) and warn others of what happened here.
I boarded the ship but tried to give him cover by mowing down the undead with the ships .50 Cal machine gun, but he was already in pieces, and I the ammo was all used up. Wounded myself, I steered the ship in the direction of the shores of Everon. Perhaps there, I can see medical help and warn the people of what had happened to the people of Kolgujev. Perhaps I can...but the wounds were deep, and I felt myself getting tired and tired before everything went to black...*GROAN!!!!*
I hope you enjoyed my review, it was a mission that certainly should be applied to the current Arma 2 or Operation Arrowhead game engine. What makes this mission so unique with other attempts is that there are no add ons to this mission but the MP Mission .pbo file itself. That's a hallmark in and of itself. The way the Zombie look was done, was simply bringing everyone to look like they were at 1% health (which makes since as these would be somewhat "fresh" Zombies or more of less 6 hours old according to the mission briefing) so they looked all bloody and dead while having a grenade-like arm throw (not the whole stance) as the Zombie grab animation and a super soldier amount of health while the players and survivors had the same normal ingame health.
It was an utterly fantastic experience and I couldn't believe that I could accomplish it by myself (in a way, using others as bait) and finish it in less than 2 hours (1 hour and 47 mins to be exact)!