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  1. Evening all! I'm new to scripting & coding in general (Only started this Friday) and came across a problem with doing an inventory check for a specific item. The concept is simple, I have a door which needs to be unlocked with a key (For this purpose I am using the vanilla Item_Keys object), but this item is not returned in the items array, so my function is unable to detect the item and skips the if statement. Is there an alternative to the Items command? or a way of forcing the Keys into the array? I don't want to "virtualise" this item using addAction, I need the physical item to be present on the character. Thanks for your time 😉 bungalow = (getMarkerPos "BungalowMarker") nearestObject 'Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F'; bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 1, true]; player addItem "Keys"; //Function to test inventory for the key searchInventoryFnc = { _item = items player; //stores an array of items from player's inventory in _items if("Keys" in _item) then { bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 0, true]; } else { bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 1, true]; hintC "You do not have the key for this door"; sleep 0.1; hintSilent ""; }; };
  2. I have write a little Mod. This Mod will change the Classes from the Taru and Huron Pods. So you can lock/unlock in Exile Mod the Pods, do Paintjobs, changing Pins and you can sell the inventory from the Pods direct at the Traders and WasteDump. I have rebuild the Mod and i have create a new child class under the "AllVehicles" class. This class is the class "Pod". The class "Pod" is a light Clone from the "Air" class. The new Classtree are: AllVehicles >> Pod >> Heli_Pods >> Heli_Pods_Base_F >> Heli_Pods_Base_H >> Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Ammo_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Cargo_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Fuel_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Medevac_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_01_Repair_F Heli_Pods_Transport_04_crewed_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_bench_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_bench_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_bench_black_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_covered_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_covered_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_covered_black_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_medevac_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_medevac_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_medevac_black_F Heli_Pods_Transport_04_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_ammo_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_ammo_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_ammo_black_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_box_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_box_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_box_black_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_fuel_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_fuel_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_fuel_black_F Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_repair_base_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_repair_F >> Land_Heli_Pods_Transport_04_repair_black_F In Editor the Huronpods are now in BLUFOR --> NATO --> Storage The Tarupods are in OPFOR --> CSAT --> Storage (Bench, Medical & Transport) and in OPFOR --> Supplies --> Storage (Ammo, Cargo, Fuel & Repair) Read the readme-exile.txt for the needed changes or the following Spoiler. 1. Open in your Missionfile the config file or the file where your Interaction Menus are and add in "class CfgInteractionMenus" after the following lines: so it should look like this: 2. Now add in your mpmission config file in "class CfgExileCustomCode" the following lines: 3. Go in the config file to the class "CfgVehicleCustoms" and add after: the following lines: 4. If you are done in the config file, you must copy the Custom folder from "mpmission_overwrites" in your mpmission root folder. Mod is from me aka LinuxGamesTV aka FastFireGames Known Bugs: nothing The Mod can grabbed on Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2439083963 A Video (German speaking):
  3. Hi all, Here is a script you can run for each player (initPlayerLocal.sqf is just fine!) This script allow to lock / unlock any door of any house. Works fine in Arma3. I added a little workaround for WW2 houses like in CUP core used by IFA3 mod. That probably worth for ant Arma2 houses, not tested. There is just one parameter: TRUE means players must have the item "Keys" in their inventory. And no, I will not script for specific keys for due houses! Say it's a pass. FALSE allows players to lock - unlock the doors of the houses without keys. NOTE : you can also manage just some houses (see below) 0 = FALSE spawn { params [["_needKeys",FALSE],"_houses",["_house",objNull]]; while {true} do { if (isNull objectParent player) then { _houses = ((nearestObjects [player, ["house"], 50]) select {isNil {_x getVariable "securedHouse"}}); if (count _houses > 0) then { _house = _houses select 0; _house setVariable ["securedHouse",_needKeys]; [ _house, "Lock-unlock door", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", " call { private _intersects = []; private _intersect = ''; private _door_anim = ''; private _is_door = FALSE; private _dist = 4; { _intersects = ([_target, _x] intersect [ASLToATL eyepos player, (screentoworld [0.5,0.5])]); if (count (_intersects select 0) > 0) exitwith { _intersects } } forEach ['FIRE','GEOM','VIEW']; if (count _intersects > 0) then { _intersect = _intersects select 0 select 0; _dist = _intersects select 0 select 1; _is_door = ('door' in toLowerANSI _intersect); if (_is_door && _dist < 4) then { if ('ww2_' in toLowerANSI typeOf _target) then { _door_anim = format ['%1_anim', _intersect]; } else { _door_anim = format ['%1_rot', _intersect]; }; }; }; if (_this distance _target < 15 && {_door_anim !=''} && {_target animationPhase _door_anim == 0} && {'keys' in magazines _this or !(_target getVariable 'securedHouse')}) then { _target setVariable ['MGIselDoor',[_intersect,_door_anim]]; true } else {false}; }; ", "true", {}, {}, { if (_target getVariable ["MGIselDoor",[]] isnotEqualTo []) then { (_target getVariable "MGIselDoor") params ["_door","_door_anim"]; private _doorState = format ['bis_disabled_%1',_door]; if (_target getVariable [_doorState,0] == 0) then { _target setVariable [_doorState,1,true]; if ("ww2_" in toLowerANSI typeOf _target) then { [_target,_doorState,_door_anim] spawn { params ["_target","_doorState","_door_anim"]; while {alive _target && _target getVariable _doorState == 1} do { _target animate [_door_anim,0,TRUE]; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; } else { _target setVariable [_doorState,0,true]; }; }; }, {}, [], 5, nil, false, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; }; }; sleep 2; }; }; For specific houses, you want to secure (w. or w/o keys): The general parameter determines the need of keys if you want to skip this code for most of the houses except those which are in a trigger area (example trg1), just replace the line: _houses = ((nearestObjects [player, ["house"], 50]) select {isNil {_x getVariable "securedHouse"}}); by: _houses = ((nearestObjects [player, ["house"], 50]) select {isNil {_x getVariable "securedHouse"} && _x inArea trg1 }); Have fun!
  4. Hello I am doing a mission and I want to lock 5 quad for the BLUFOR and let them open for the OPFOR, Is it possible and, If yes, How can I do that ? Sorry if my English is bad ans thx for your help ;)
  5. Hello, everyone. As you can see from my title, I am looking for a script to use in a mission. I need to be able to unlock a door of any building in the editor. I guess there's an option in the attributes of a building that must be changed or I need to put a script in the init field. I didn't find anything useful in Google, but I think it hast to be something with: this addAction. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  6. I'm looking to see if it is possible to lock stand-alone doors so that only certain player IDs can open them. And if so, can it be done through a script in the mission folder so that IDs can be added without having to open the mission file in Arma every time I'd like to change the list?
  7. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 I am trying to lock multiple doors - e.g. in the Police station building - this building has 15 doors. I would like only the Police to be able to open and close them. I have got this working in the init of the building, but it only works on one door - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false];} I am unsure what the format is to add the rest of the doors, I have tried the following with no success - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", && "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", && "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot" || "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2" || "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} Thank you
  8. Hello everyone, My problem that I want to unlock a gate door only if player has specific item. I use a Trigger for that: Activation for AllPlayer, present. In the condition line I put this: (Player need to have the Ace Cellphone to open gates). "ACE_Cellphone" in items player; In the On Activation line : house1_1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',0,true]; house1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',0,true]; house1 and house1_1 are 2 concrete wall gates. In my init.sqf file, I put this: house1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true]; house1_1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true]; There a no problem, It's works fine! My problem is how can the doors stay locked if the player loses or puts down the phone? I try this In a new trigger, but it don't work, !("ACE_Cellphone" in items player;); Somebody can help me??? ;)
  9. What about lock on on Ground to Air and Air to Air. After TANK DLC it messed up so hard it. I tested it one few servers and mods( editor/exile/koth). There is example how titan AA work now mostly 80% fired rockets just miss target even when target do not use flares When I fly in jet almost every missle Air to Air miss target ( even hovering or 0 flares) It triggering my so hard. Why they messed it so hard. I hope they will make hotfix about that. I used (blackwasp 2, f-35(CUP), shikra ect.) Almost EVERY MISSILE miss target. That should be even possible. It happens after TANK DLC...
  10. Hello guys, I have an issue with missiles and rockets that are able to lock on laser target like the Skalpel or the DAGR When I equip these ordnance on a Wipeout in editor, I'm able to lock on laser target but once I fire the missile or rocket (I waited for the complete diamond lock of course), it just goes straight without turning to the target With the UAV, the issue is even more obvious : If you fire your ATGM without laser lock, the missile will hit the crosshair center. If you had a laser lock, the missile will go straight and miss the target. The only ordnance that worked with the laser are GBU for me (UAV or CAS plane) Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks for your future replies !
  11. miogushi

    Lock PBO

    Hello Mates ! Is it possible to lock and protect a pbo file ? How to ? Indeed, some people recover our pbo mission files and appropriate our own work for themselves. We would like to restrict the possibility to do so. We never intend to restrict access to our files by the past, but the behaviors of some players and particularly some teams have change. We regret the need to protect our works because Arma philosphy has always been to promote cooperation between players and team, but after 3 bad expériences, we have no other option.
  12. Hello, I am just trying to confirm my thinking. I am editing a mission which I want to run on a dedicated server (on the same machine). I need to test it quite a lot but am finding that you have to shut down the dedicated server each time you make an edit in the editor, then 'export to multiplayer' then restart then server, which all takes so much time. So I am doing this: 1. Open up eden editor. 2. load the mission. 3. make my change. 4.save it. 5 'export to multiplayer' 6. start dedi server (takes time) 7. log into server 8. test mission. 9. exit server 10. shut down server 11. go back to eden editor 12 make change etc etc what I want to do is 9. log out of server but keep it open and Open up mission in eden again 10. ...do stuff.. 11 export to MP.... WHILE THE DEDI SERVER IS STILL RUNNING... 12 reconnect to server and play update... It seems to me that the server locks the pbo and despite the fact that if you 'export to multiplayer' the editor squeaks a confirmatory message that it has been successfully exported (which it hasn't). The file timestamp remains the same. I've tried #restart and #restartserver (doesn't seem to do anything). Would anyone know of a way to getting the server to 'release' the pbo file so that I can update it? I presume I am just being thick. Thanks in advance, Atmo
  13. Hey! Quick question. I'm trying to set up a mission that uses ALICE 2 to spawn civs and traffic, but I don't want the player to be able to hitch a free ride off of them, as all the vehicles spawned are unlocked. How can I change this so they're all locked at spawn? Thanks!
  14. Hi and thanks for helping. Somehow the default state of locks on vehicles is now locked, in other words I can't use anything with the default state, I need to set everything as unlocked in order to get in it. The main problem is that whenever a vehicle respawns it comes back as default and so it is locked. So my question is this: is there a way to return the "default" value of the lock state to the normal unlocked way? If a make a new scenario the vehicles work as they should, but I really don't want to redo everything... Edit------------------------------------------------- Actually it seems I got it the wrong way, this seems to be the problem: "DEFAULT lock is default vehicle lock when vehicle placed in editor. If player is in a group of AIs and not the leader, he will not be able to enter this vehicle as he will not have GetIn action for this vehicle." Is there any workaround to maintain playable units in a MP mission also allowing them to enter vehicles?