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Found 12 results

  1. Hey, I was wondering if there was a way to do the following regarding artillery. 1. Disable the Artillery Computer on one or multiple artillery systems, but keep it on, on other vehicles. 2. Only allow artillery to fire on the mode: "Close" or "medium" if done via Artillery Computer (or any way...
  2. I’ve been trying to make a conflict server on my pc so I can play with my friends on Xbox but every time I try to join my own server on my Xbox it just keeps saying session error connection has failed, with this code: Kick cause code: group=1 REPLICATION, reason=3 CONNEGTION FAILURE any he...
  3. Hick0910

    End of season timer

    I was working on my last seasonal challenge for BP 18. The season timer said i had 56 minutes left to get 10 more headshots in shootouts. At roughly 54 minutes the servers went down and stayed down to where I couldn't complete it. I would like this made right, if you look at my transactions and game...
  4. Vieil Homme Innocent

    hosting localy

    Hi, I can't host any game with my friends on arma reforger. In the host menu in multiplayer I can host but if they try to join : "Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=3 'CONNECTION_FAILURE'
  5. When I join a KOTH game and kill someone with Rockets on a Jet or Heli my whole PC crashes. I already checked files on Steam, seems fine. And also updated the graphic card soo I dont know why this happens.
  6. Hello, everyone. I need a script that gives a PC/tablet/laptop the ability to get used in game. I played such a campaign - Underdogs. I was able to switch on PC and the option was called the same way. The other options were: pull monitor cable from PC, Insert USB stick into PC etc. The task was to u...
  7. I've built a compound that is required as part of the mission to have a narrow entrance coridoor. It's probably a little over 2m in width, maybe 2.5m - and should be perfectly navigable by an infantryman. However, the AI can't seem to make sense of how to use the route to get into t...
  8. I am looking for a laptop that will run arma three this one I found probably won't run it well but you never know. The link to the amazon page is https://www.amazon.com/Performance-A12-9720P-processor-Bluetooth-Platinum/dp/B074WFZJ1D/ref=sr_1_14?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1510540602&sr=1-14&keywords=gaming+la...
  9. I created a ballistic computer (spreadsheet) for artillery. The difference between what I created and what I have seen elsewhere is that I added a calibration function. The concept is that you provide the initial inputs and fire the first round, then input the coordinates of where that round impac...
  10. This is a tactical HUD that is intended to "try" to be realistic to ArmA 3's specifications. Simply put it is a tactical computer system that displays various information about the environment and wearer. This is completely client side script it does not require mods other than installation, curren...
  11. I created a ballistic computer (external Excel spreadsheet) for artillery. The difference between what I created and what I have seen elsewhere is that I added a calibration function. The concept is that you provide the initial inputs and fire the first round, then input the coordinates of where t...
  12. First off let me state I am by no means a computer guy but let me assume I know what Im talking about I have and AMD Phenom II x2 processor 3.40 GHS 5GB RAM 64 Bit OS Windows 7 Nvidia Geforce Gt 520 I get under 15 fps on the complete lowest settings visibility down textures blurred objects l...