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Found 6 results

  1. Ethin Benson

    DayZ: let’s talk about some fixes...

    Ok, so let me just starry by saying, Bohemia Interactive, you have possibly one of the best games for such high potential. Ever since I’d seen gameplay of dayz on pc I’ve dreamed of a day the game would release on console. For the past few months, I’ve been able to live that dream. It’s such a good game that I could honestly play for hours and hours, which is why I don’t want to see it fail. I understand that no game should ever be EASY. I understand that taking the challenge away would make a game dull and boring. However, I and I think every other gamer out there would appreciate getting rewarded with some fun out of any game. I want ant to start with thirst, hunger, and vomiting. When I first started dayz, I’ll admit, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. But I remember dying probably 8-12 times just from THIRST. The fact that I started the game with no drinks, and a thirst meter already halfway empty, and draining fast, was insanely difficult for me. But then I started to catch on to the game. I began to understand the looting process and the while maintaining my thirst and hunger procedure. So months went by of me having a blast on the game. I died a couple times, but no where near as many times as the first day of playing the game. I am currently on my longest lasting character, I’ve kept him alive for about a whole month now, as of October 5th, 2019. I got on today and realized that my regular server was missing. I handled it pretty well, just had to pull out my compass and head south east. However, I did notice something odd. My thirst meter was going down at an alarming rate, a rate that it had never gone down at before. I walked about a mile and drink through all 4 full plastic water bottles, and a full canteen in just one mile. Not to mention that fact that I also kept throwing up because the game wouldn’t tell me if I was quenching my thirst or not which obviously made the situation worse. Staying quenched and full was already a bad enough problem when I first started, I’m begging you to not make it a problem again. I refuse to let my longest lasting character, who’s already been through the toughest situations, die of thirst. A pathetic death. If that means I can’t play the game until you guys fix thirst to actually feel realistic, then so be it. The other thing that I’m not really as concerned about is looting. Now I don’t really mind not finding any AR’s ANYWHERE because I already have a scoped SKS and a kickass pistol, BUT I’m just saying it would be nice to find one somewhere. I’ve seen countless amounts of ammo and attachments for AR’s, especially the AK, but no AR’s anywhere. I’ve only found ONE M4 in the many months of playing the game and that was in a bathroom in the military base south of the main airfield, and then I immediately lost it when it failed me in a firefight. I get it, I mean guns like that should definitely be rare, but not nonexistent. I’ve been to all military-based loot areas COUNTLESS times and never found a single AR ever again. I feel the same way about cars. I’ve only found 2 of those EVER. And I just have to pass them by because it’s VERY hard to build and fix a car to run properly. I think the positions of where certain things spawn should remain the same, but they should spawn more abundantly, which could also help with the thirst problem too. The last thing I wanted to say is a question. How do I setup a good base camp? How do I keep my things from despawning? I want to finally settle down with my character, so he can make regular runs and stuff. He can have a good transceiver and maybe a functioning car and grow a garden and stuff like that. Let me know in the comments.
  2. I'm writing this message to developers for feedback and opinions, the vigor game is excellent such as the shelter and the upgrades you can do. Me and my friends have recently encountered a bug with the firing range that the number from the count down stays on your screen when you exit the gun range which means we have to reset the game. however the main issue is when crafting often the game crashes and displays communication error which is annoying an can cause other gamers to just come off the game and go play something that doesn't crash.. I like how weapons and crafting can take a little bit of time to gather which means you feel great when you kill someone who has a p90 or lots of materials you need. I know it takes long to achieve a great game however with this information maybe you can act on this and better the game.. I hope to see a better kill recognition because I'm confused sometimes weather I killed them or they are just prone, and the death box should glow up when you have killed them because I was running around for like half an hour trying to find it, in the snowy mountains.. I would also like to see fishing at the docks of the shelter and to actually see how the less fortunate benefit from the food we give .....
  3. Lord of the Exiled Winks

    Useless guns

    There’s really no point in not using the KP 31. Except for the cool factor other guns are too rare and expensive for how much they benefit you, not much. Scopes are cool but barely increase your ability to deal damage as they only give you like 3x mag in the best of circumstances. What’s the point in trying to take a scoped weapon when you could honestly snipe just as effectively with the cheap starter gun. Until you get plans for a weapon ammo is extremely rare, and it’s not like having rare ammo increases your Killing ability as all weapons take about the same shots to kill. I like the headshot is an instakill, but when you’re using the starter shotgun (useless) you literally have to hit a headshot every encounter or you’re screwed (it takes three shots to kill but you’re using an over/under lmao and the reload is long as fuck) it’s literally pointless not to use the KP31 because even if you do bring out a scoped weapon the weather is rarely ever clear enough for you to make it useful. So you end up at the mercy of everyone else using their KP31’s at close range and spraying you down with their 72 round magazine. Bad enough that several weapons in game are just straight up useless (SKS with a fire rate worse than the Mosin but you still have a 6 shots to kill?). It seems like the game wants to punish you for doing well or playing smart at every turn (terrible exit locations some are impossible to reach or even find the entrance too, and when you do make it you have so little cover from campers it’s not even worth it). Especially with the 3 kill mark, the permanent mark on players who snatched the airdrop, the airdrop circle etc. the meta of the game is to just camp and with visibility being almost always terrible, scopes being worthless, no bino etc. what’s an agressive player supposed to do other than get continually ambushed until he’s back to, guess what, using the KP31 and dinking other players as soon as they try exit. Some of my best games have been with the KP31 and under 800 m traveled. I mean the airdrop location is obvious from the beginning of the match (why not make it only appear after the airdrop has actually landed or to attentive players who are watching for the plane and the parachute) so from there you locate the obvious exit points and just camp. I get that everything on the maps is static and that the maps are all hand designed, they really are good maps I enjoy playing on them, but there should be several different exit configurations and they should rotate between maps so you never get the same exit setups between encounters, airdrops shouldn’t been known until it touches the ground or until you see, hear the plane or the parachute, players who get the airdrop should be marked either for a limited time or the time between their icon appearing on the map should be drastically increased. Or another option would be that players who get the airdrop don’t appear on the map unless they’re spotted by an enemy player, giving players a stealthy option as well. Exits shouldn’t be biased towards campers, if you give players terrain to camp behind you should give players trying to exit plenty of terrain to hide behind as well, scopes need to be have an increase in magnification, other modifications such as grips, bipeds etc. should increase the stability of the weapon platform. I have the HBAR but the gun sways so bad that the bipod actually clips into the ground lol. I should be able to actually use the bipod to stabilize my gun, and I should be able to bipod on ledges or on window seals. Modifying your weapons with your own accessories and decals or paint jobs should be added as well. Damage outputs for all guns should be increased, shotguns should be deadly in close quarters, 1-2 shot kills, snipers should be 2-3 shot kills at range, everything else should be 4-5 shots to kill. Either that or just accurately portray gun shot wounds in game (personal favorite). I.E. non-fatal gunshots lead to bleeding that you must stem with bandages (hey guess that makes them useful now) fatal gunshots could be an instant or near instant kill. I mean ya that would make the game much more difficult but it would also make the game much more rewarding. Having to actually be careful and take your time checking your corners and watching those vantage points. Slowing down the game experience IS NOT a bad thing, if I wanted to play PUBG I’d just play PUBG if I wanted a fast run and gun under 10 min matches I’d play COD or battlefield. For a game that claims to be a Escape from Tarkov and PUBG baby it’s slacking on the hardcore aspects. I can count on one hand the number of satisfying shootouts that I’ve had. When you die you shouldn’t be mad at the game for screwing you over you should be mad at yourself for not playing well enough. This is something PUBG managed to get down, there’s not much in the game that you can actually point at and say “this is an exploitative or biased feature,” there’s much you can point at in Vigor.
  4. Recently i started working on a four part campaign , at the start i didn't have any idea what it was going to be about , but i kind of thought of something while creating it. My question is to the community : what do you guys like to do in a mission ? favorite type of missions. difficulty. number of missions in each part. When you play a scenario , what do you want to see/not see. Edit : What type of vehicles , and how much. Any information is appreciated.
  5. Hey everyone! I'm interested in finding out basic statistics about the ArmA 3 community. I recently posted a topic asking the question "Why do life servers receive so much hate?" and I had many very good and in depth responses to the topic. This time around, I'm interested in finding a more general statistic, and am hoping to find out what the most popular game-modes in ArmA 3 at the moment are. The reason I am interested in finding these statistics is that I'm writing a thesis on ArmA 3 Communities - though it is heavily focused on the flaws and solutions that could be applied to life servers. I don't want this to come across as a boring survey so I encourage everyone to share their opinions and thoughts on their favorite ArmA game-modes as well as some other game-modes that are available to the game; and why you favor certain game-modes over others. Furthermore, I believe that this topic could also help newcomers to the ArmA 3 Community get a better idea of which game-modes they should try out based on their interests through reading your thoughts and opinions. Answering the poll will also help me narrow down the data, and make it easier for me to compile. Thank you for your time, Brandon. :)
  6. So ill kick this off by saying i'm a huge fan and constant player of ArmA 3 i bought ArmA 3 on launch and iv'e been in many military units and have 2500 hours+ racked up on steam. I always play ArmA everyday without fail. But in my opinion you criticize what you love and here is what makes me angry with the development of ArmA 3 since the beginning. So first off is the DLC in my opinion every DLC released regardless of the price tag has under delivered, ill use the recent Jets DLC with the addition of the carrier that was added as an example.. In my opinion the carrier was the biggest selling point for the jets DLC and was a joke to the few milsim and general units that still exist in ArmA today essentially the carrier is a beautiful looking shell with a launch platform and a landing one. It should have gotten a full interior with elevators and a complete interior storage area for planes and helicopters alike, then the carrier could have been used for operation briefings and overall would have increased a persons immersion in the milsim environment that ArmA is supposed to simulate. Overall the scope of the ArmA 3 DLC and how they have been released is ultimately a disgrace when compared to the far more enjoyable and commendable ArmA 2/OA release method. My second issue with ArmA 3 is the Environments/Terrains almost all terrains released have been a bare bone mess and ultimately they have little to no foliage with the exception of the Apex DLC (Tanoa) which again added very little to the game besides the map its self. When you compare these new terrains to Arma 2 that got a tonne of new vehicles and weapons with the map. All apex got was the same vehicles but re skinned a new faction with 3 ak variants and an RPG-7. (Which again in my opinion under delivered) Comparing Arma 3 to Dayz yes i said it Dayz. Today on the 26/05/2017 DayZ is currently in an experimental 0.62 that adds new trees and foliage (A Complete Overhaul) and after personally testing it after awhile i asked myself why hasn't Arma got good foliage like DayZ has now. Well the Apex DLC (Tanoa) tried to give us a map with great amounts of foliage (In a Jungle) but again fell short the Tanoa map although a great map on paper suffers from massive performance hits (DayZ new trees and foliage doesn't) and not to mention the map is plagued with Houses and Buildings that have one enterable room and the rest of the rooms are "Barred Off" so you can't enter the rest of the house because again it feels Bohemia Interactive are cutting corners alot like the carrier and the retextureing of vehicles instead of making new ones to accommodate the terrain. Before anyone metions the fact that DayZ now has its own engine and Arma 3 is on another i do know this but i think my point still stands. Now to wrap up i would like to say if any staff from BI see this please pass it on to the top and have a good read and sit down and discuss the scope of the game please because your all over the place. To anyone else reading please post your opinions and suggestions for this wonderful game and maybe we can save it together because right now it's sinking like a rock and that's sad to see.